Daily Bulletin, Tuesday, October 25, 1994

JOHN CLEESE, he of Monty Python and Fish-Named-Wanda fame, can be seen on
a UW screen at noontime today.  His video "The Power and the Perils", on
telephone skills, is being shown as part of a continuing brown-bag series
sponsored by the staff training and development program.  All staff are
welcome -- 12:00, Davis Centre room 1302.

POLICE REPORT:  The monthly statistical report from UW's police shows
14 bicycle thefts investigated during September, making a total of 65
so far in 1994.  (There were 104 in all of 1993.)  Among other incidents
in September: physical assault, 1; sexual assault, 1 (for a total of 3
so far in the year); obscene or harassing phone calls, 4; break and
enter, 2; other theft in various categories, 19; motor vehicle accidents, 3.

The police laid four charges during the month, but made no arrests.  A
total of 179 vehicles were towed, and 487 traffic and parking citations

Says security director Al MacKenzie: "The reported thefts involving Personal
Property are continuing to be fewer in number for 1994 than the corresponding
reporting period in 1993 and 1992.  This may be the result of more people
taking greater personal security measures to safeguard their property."

SCH EVENT:  A grand opening for the renovated bookstore in South Campus
Hall (not to mention the UW Shop, associated with the store, and their
next-door neighbour Marlin Travel) is set for Wednesday, November 16, says
store co-manager Arlene Klapman.  The celebration will start at 12:30.

CO-OP INTERVIEWS are continuing.  Originally interviews for winter term
co-op jobs were to end tomorrow, with students filling out their ranking
forms on Thursday, but that's had to be delayed because there are so many
employers who want a chance at UW students.  Ranking forms will now be
filled out on Wednesday, November 2, with the results announced on
November 9, the co-op department says.

Chris Redmond
Information and Public Affairs, University of Waterloo
888-4567 ext. 3004      credmond@watserv1.uwaterloo.ca