Daily Bulletin, Monday, October 24, 1994

CONVOCATION went off smoothly on Saturday, both morning and afternoon,
says somebody who was actively involved in the two ceremonies and has just
filled me in.  She described Matthew Barrett's address, at the morning
event, as particularly "inspiring".  A touching new moment in the
proceedings came at the end, as president James Downey invited all the
brand-new graduates to take a moment to stand and congratulate each other
on their achievement.

The science faculty open house also looked like a success, thanks to the
efforts of everybody from Desmond Hemming (busy explaining gyroscopes to
youngsters at the physics department display) to Scott Paterson, leading
tours of his bunker at the chemical waste disposal facility.

AND NOW it's Monday, United Nations Day, and a birthday for Charles
Colbourn of the combinatorics and optimization department.  It's also
the beginning of the second half of the fall term -- can you believe it?

LONG DISTANCE:  Effective today at 5 p.m., all direct-distance-dialed long
distance calls from UW phones must have the figure "1" before the area
code.  For example, you'd dial 9-1-604-960-5555 to reach the new University
of Northern British Columbia.  Until now, the "1" hasn't been necessary.

Telephone services says the changeover will take place between 4 and 5
p.m. today.  If you have difficulty making a long distance call around
that time, you should hang up and try again in a few minutes.  "Please
ensure," a memo advises, "that you reprogram all speed call lists, facsimile
machines, modems or any equipment that stores and dials telephone numbers."

TONIGHT:  The local branch of the Canadian Cancer Society is holding its
annual meeting at 6:30 p.m. at the Valhalla Inn.  Guest speaker is Roy
Cameron of UW's health studies department, on "Smoking Prevention and
Cessation Research".  Tickets are $15 (phone 886-8888).

"Preventing Stroke: What Everyone Should Know" is a free seminar tonight
in Arts Lecture Hall room 124.  It's sponsored by the UW-based Canadian
Centre for Habilitation Education and Research, and speakers include Eric
Roy of the kinesiology department.  The talking starts at 7 p.m.

MULTIMEDIA SEMINAR:  A seminar on "Building Multimedia Applications",
led by someone from an agency generically called The Training Group, will
run from 4:30 to 5:30 tomorrow (Tuesday) in Davis Centre room 1304.
The tool under discussion is Macromedia's Authorware.  More information:
gadams@undergrad.math, phone 884-7748.

THE UNITED WAY campaign on campus is more than halfway to its $150,000
goal.  As of Thursday, contributions from faculty and staff had reached
$82,941, says Terry Stewart of applied health sciences, who's helping to
run the campaign.  Special events, such as Friday's Oktoberfest lunch at
graphic services, had raised another $2,422.  The participation rate so
far this year is 14.1 per cent, says Stewart.  "The campaign ends October
31.  If you need a pledge form, please call the campaign office at ext.

Speaking of graphic services, department head Linda Norton advises that
all the copy centres will be closed from 10:30 to 11:30 next Monday, October 
31, for a staff meeting.  The main facility (GSC) will be able to handle 
any urgent orders.

STAFF TRAINING:  The "Working" training program for staff has begun its
second phase of modules, "Mastering Individual Performance".  Marg Letter 
of the human resources department notes that "Only participants who have
completed the Core Interpersonal Skills modules may now register for these
sessions," but if you're in that category you can get in touch with her
at ext. 6645.  There are openings in the session that runs November 9
("Taking on a new assignment"), 16 ("Requesting help"), and 23 ("Positive
responses to negative situations").

Chris Redmond
Information and Public Affairs, University of Waterloo
888-4567 ext. 3004      credmond@watserv1.uwaterloo.ca