Daily Bulletin, Tuesday, October 18, 1994 WRITING A PLAN: The president of UW last summer set up a "Commission on Institutional Planning" to "shape a new plan for the university's development". The first task of the Commission is to review the UW mission statement. The mission statement is meant to set out the essential character and aspiration of the university as it is felt and understood by faculty, staff, students, alumni and friends of UW. The commission is issuing a bulletin this week which notes that "Consultation with all these groups is vital to this process. At this time we invite your suggestions and opinions on UW's current mission statement as articulated in the report Planning for the Fourth Decade. Please submit your comments to any member of the Commission by the first week of November." The mission statement from the Fourth Decade report, which UW adopted in 1987, can be found on UWinfo. Look under the Daily Bulletin heading and "Documents of Current Interest" subheading. The commission is chaired by UW provost Jim Kalbfleisch. Other members: Gordon Andrews, mechanical engineering faculty member Susan Bellingham, library Rose Bilicic, undergraduate student Gail Cuthbert Brandt, principal, Renison College Doug McMullen, alumnus Bruce Mitchell, geography faculty member Prabhakar Ragde, computer science faculty member Susan Shaw, recreation and leisure studies faculty member Eric Sutherland, graduate student, statistics Lynne Taylor, history faculty member John Thompson, dean of science Joanne Wade, registrar's office Staff support for the commission is provided by Heather White, executive assistant to the provost (phone ext. 5466, e-mail heather@provost-admin). UNITED WAY pledges are off to a good start. As of last Thursday, staff, faculty, retirees and graduate students had already contributed $55,258 towards this year's goal of $150,000, says campaign chair Helen Kilbride. HAPPENING TODAY: Andre Killan, high commissioner of South Africa, speaks on "Nelson Mandela's South Africa", tonight at 7:30 in Needles Hall room 3001. The ad hoc committee on harassment and discrimination holds the last of its public sessions at 12:30 today (Arts Lecture room 113). Undergraduate students are particularly invited to comment on the issues facing the committee -- possible improvements and "rationalization" to the policies, procedures and committees that handle discrimination and unethical behaviour at UW. Chris Redmond Information and Public Affairs, University of Waterloo 888-4567 ext. 3004 credmond@watserv1.uwaterloo.ca