Daily Bulletin, Wednesday, October 12, 1994

PREMIER'S COMING:  Ontario premier Bob Rae will visit campus tomorrow
afternoon, with a public appearance scheduled for 2:30 p.m. in the Davis
Centre great hall.  Everyone is welcome.  Rae will be making "a major
announcement", says Martin van Nierop, UW's director of information and
public affairs.

Earlier in the day, UW officials will have had their hearing from the
Ontario Council on University Affairs, which is visiting Waterloo for
discussions of university financing in the province.  The UW hearing --
at which administrators and staff, student and faculty leaders will present
their lukewarm response to the OCUA's August "discussion paper" -- is to
be held at Ruby's in the Waterloo Inn, starting at 9 a.m.

And even earlier tomorrow comes another special event: an Oktoberfest
breakfast hosted by UW, Wilfrid Laurier University and Conestoga College
to help boost economic development in Waterloo Region.  The chief guests
are some 50 out-of-town business people who have been invited to consider
Kitchener-Waterloo as a place to do business.  Roger Downer, Waterloo's
vice-president (university relations), will lead the UW delegation and
be among the breakfast speakers, talking about this institution and the
way it makes K-W a better place to live and do business.

So tomorrow's going to be a busy day.  Meanwhile . . .

OPENING TONIGHT is "Tough!" by George R. Walker, the year's first production
from the UW drama department.  Described as "a Canadian play about the 
dilemmas of teenage life", it's presented in the recently refurbished
Studio 180 in the Humanities building.  Showtime is 8 p.m.; tickets are
$7 (students $5) from the Humanities box office.

Also tonight: the second in this year's Pascal Lectures by geneticist
R. J. Berry.  He'll speak (8 p.m. in the Theatre of the Arts) on "God,
Greens and Gaia: The Ethics of Environmental Action".  (Berry is also
offering two seminars during his visit to Waterloo.  Today at 3 p.m.
he's in Biology 1 room 271, with the topic "Am I My Environment's Keeper?"
Tomorrow at 12:30 he's in Biology 1 room 370, with the topic "Mice
All Over".)  Information about the Pascal Lectures: ext. 3433.

CLOSED AT NOON:  The copy centres in the Dana Porter Library, Humanities
building, and Math and Computer building will be closed during the noon
hour today.  "Staff will be attending a United Way presentation," explains
the director of graphic services, Linda Norton.

DID YOU SEE the demolition job CTV's current affairs show "W5" did on
the University of Western Ontario last night?  It was both a report on
two high-profile discrimination cases there recently, and a dissection of
the bureaucracy Western now has in place for handling charges of unethical
behaviour of various kinds.  After that kind of journalism, it'll be a
relief to turn the TV dial tonight to the third installment of "Porterhouse
Blue", a comedy (airing on TVOntario) about a politically incorrect
Cambridge college full of old gourmands.

FINALLY, birthday greetings to George Dixon of the biology department.

Chris Redmond
Information and Public Affairs, University of Waterloo
888-4567 ext. 3004      credmond@watserv1.uwaterloo.ca