Daily Bulletin, Tuesday, October 4, 1994

UW'S BOARD OF governors meets today -- Needles Hall 3001, starting at
3:30 p.m. -- and has a large agenda.  For example:

     -- A report on recent administrative changes prompted by the
     findings of the O'Sullivan advisory committee.

     -- An update on the current year's operating budget.  (Income is
     down, and spending is up, since the board approved the budget
     in June, leaving the "contingency reserve" razor-thin.)

     -- A report on the health of the pension fund.  As of January 1,
     its market value was $469 million, and the "funding excess" was
     so large, at $39 million, that it was close to triggering
     government rules requiring lower contributions from UW into 
     the pension plan.

     -- Discussion of university funding issues, including the "response"
     that UW will present next week to the Ontario Council on University
     Affairs.  The final text of the response was placed on UWinfo
     yesterday; find it under the Daily Bulletin heading and "Documents
     of Current Interest" subheading.

     -- Discussion of lessons there might be for Waterloo in the various
     reports prepared for Concordia University about research fraud and
     faculty discipline there.

CAREER FAIR '94 is on today at Bingemans Conference Centre on Victoria
Street North in Kitchener.  The event is jointly sponsored by UW and
several other educational institutions, and is expected to bring people
from close to 90 employers.  The fair runs from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.; buses
are available from UW's Campus Centre and back again (check the schedule
at the CC turnkey desk, or at the career resource centre in Needles Hall).

BLOOD PRESSURE:  There's still room for interested staff and faculty
members to get a blood pressure check and, if they qualify, a chance to
sign up for a research project based in UW's department of health studies
and gerontology.  "Those interested," says Liza Gini of HS&G, "can
e-mail rwalker@healthy for their 10-minute appointment."  Screenings are
set for October 18, 19 and 21, in the Health and Safety building.

DISCRIMINATION ISSUES:  The committee that's advising UW's provost on
discrimination and harassment issues has another open meeting set for
noon-hour today.  This one is slanted primarily to faculty members, but
everyone is welcome.  It runs from 12:30 to 2 p.m. in Arts Lecture room
113.  The committee, chaired by Greg Bennett of the statistics and actuarial
science department, is looking at "desirable changes to UW policies and
procedures dealing with harassment, prejudicial discrimination, and
other unethical behaviour, including how existing policies, procedures
and committees might be effectively rationalized".

CORRESPONDENCE TUTORS got a memo from Bob Seim of the teaching resource
office a day or two ago, enclosing a survey for them to fill out, and
inviting them to an orientation session on October 6 or 14.  New tutors
and markers particularly need to attend the 50-minute session, Seim says.
He can be reached at ext. 3408.

Chris Redmond
Information and Public Affairs, University of Waterloo
888-4567 ext. 3004      credmond@watserv1.uwaterloo.ca