Daily Bulletin, Tuesday, November 29, 1994

PROFESSOR IS MOURNED:  Paul Niessen, a faculty member in mechanical
engineering since 1966, died yesterday morning.  He had been suffering
from Lou Gehrig's disease.  A private funeral Mass is taking place for
the family; there will be a memorial service on campus, but the date has
not yet been set.

RECEPTION TODAY:  Wes Graham will be honoured today for "35 years of
dedicated service to the University of Waterloo", in roles that range from
Distinguished Teacher to creator of spinoff software companies.  The
reception starts at 4 p.m. at the University Club.  To be officially
announced at the event is the "J. W. Graham Medal and Prize for Computing
and Innovation", which will be awarded annually to a UW graduate with
outstanding achievement in those areas.

THE OTHER:  That's the title of a show that's being presented twice today
and once on Friday, by the UW drama department with support from several
university offices.  It's described as "an exploration of conflict and
miscommunication through the use of short vignettes using masks, dance,
drama, and music".  Free performances today:  11:30, in the "comfy lounge"
on the third floor of the Math and Computer building, and 5:30, in
the east quad lounge (room 102) of Village 2.  Performance Thursday:
11:15, in the great hall of Conrad Grebel College.

BREAST CANCER is the topic of an information booth in the Campus Centre
great hall today and tomorrow.  And tomorrow at 2:30, a speaker on "Breast
Cancer Awareness and Prevention" is scheduled in Arts Lecture room 113.
The activities are sponsored by the student issues office of the Federation
of Students.

POINSETTIAS are for sale in the UW Shop this week -- red, white, pink
or multicolour, in various sizes.  Orders placed by Friday (phone ext. 3914
or fax 747-2868, with credit card) can be picked up next Wednesday.
Proceeds from the poinsettia sales will be donated to ROOF, an agency that
works with homeless young people in Kitchener-Waterloo.

A FOOD DRIVE, sponsored by the Math Society and Science Society, continues
through Thursday.  For every non-perishable food item dropped off at the
MathSoc or SciSoc office, the donor gets a raffle ticket; the raffle draw
will be held Thursday morning in the Bombshelter pub.  Information: ext. 6515.

CHRISTMAS CAROLS:  The music of the season can be heard at these events
scheduled in the next couple of weeks:

     -- The UW Stage Band's fall concert, Friday at 8 p.m. at the Conrad
     Grebel College great hall.

     -- The UW Chamber Choir, performing Sunday at 8 p.m. at St. John's
     Lutheran Church in downtown Kitchener.

     -- All the university's choirs, in the annual noon-hour concert in
     the Davis Centre great hall, next Wednesday, December 7, at 12:15.

     -- Carol-singing in the Modern Languages lobby, led by Jake Willms,
     Wednesday, December 14, at 12:15.

FINALLY, happy birthday to Peter Hoffman of the pure mathematics department.

Chris Redmond
Information and Public Affairs, University of Waterloo
888-4567 ext. 3004      credmond@watserv1.uwaterloo.ca