Daily Bulletin, Monday, November 28, 1994

HAPPY HANUKKAH to Jews who have arrived at the first day of the Festival
of Lights -- a festival also of religious freedom.  Hanukkah runs through
December 6.

CO-OP FIGURES:  Bruce Lumsden, director of co-op education, provides
an update on employment figures for the winter term now that first-round
interviews and placements are done.  "Approximately 65 per cent of the
students," he writes, "were successful in securing employment."  The
comparable figure a year ago: 51 per cent.  

"There are signs," says Lumsden, "that the economy is picking up and this 
is being reflected in the numbers of employers coming on campus to interview.
However, with approximately a month to go there are still 1,200 students 
seeking employment, many of which are junior students.  The office staff 
and in particular the coordinators are busy chasing down job opportunities 
in all programmes."

Another note from the co-op director: UW itself is employing some 75 co-op
students this term.  "This self-support of co-op gives a powerful message 
to new employers.  For those jobs that departments and units have been 
itching to do but never seem to have the resources, co-op is a great solution."

(Which gives me the perfect opportunity to give credit where credit is
due: both the Daily Bulletin and the Gazette have owed much this term to
the work of co-op student Christine Taziar, who's winding up her second
work term here in information and public affairs.)

WEB STUFF:  The computing services department advises that the first
meeting of a "tools working group", for people interested in the software
tools used for preparing World Wide Web pages, will be held this Thursday.
Among the concerns: an HTML editor for campus-wide use, and techniques for
converting files from word processor format to HTML for the Web.  Says
Carol Vogt of DCS: "If you are or will be building Web pages, please
come."  The meeting is at 3:30 on Thursday in Math and Computer 2009.

Vogt also advises that a brief course on "Preparing Documents for the
World Wide Web Using HTML" will be held December 19, from 1 to 4:30.
Information: ext. 3271, or e-mail dvking@dcs1.

THE LEARNING ORGANIZATION:  UW people have an opportunity to be involved in
a three-part teleconference starring Peter Senge, author of The Fifth
Discipline: The Art and Practice of the Learning Organization.  A memo
went out late last week from Catharine Scott, director of human resources,
to tell department heads and administrative assistants about the 
teleconference, which is open to both staff and faculty.  The title is
"Applying the Principles of the Learning Organization", and it runs
from 2 to 4:30 on December 5, March 9 and May 11.  Marg Letter at ext.
6645 is taking registrations.

Chris Redmond
Information and Public Affairs, University of Waterloo
888-4567 ext. 3004      credmond@watserv1.uwaterloo.ca