Daily Bulletin, Friday, November 25, 1994

IT'S PAYDAY, for faculty members and most staff.  (Hourly-paid staff,
who get their money biweekly, had payday yesterday.)  The payroll office
has just issued a list of revised pay dates for December and January,
as a result of the Christmas holiday. 

Monthly pay dates:  Wednesday, December 21 (instead of Friday, December
30) and Wednesday, January 25 (instead of Friday, January 27).  There
will be no change to the pay date of Friday, February 24.

Biweekly pay dates:  Thursday, December 8 (no change) and Wednesday,
December 21 (instead of Thursday, December 22).

Casual employee pay dates:  Friday, December 16 (no change) and Wednesday,
December 21 (instead of Friday, December 23).

I MADE TWO ERRORS in yesterday's Daily Bulletin; they were corrected
quickly, but some people may have seen the mistakes.  First, Sue Fraser
of the staff association works in the department of kinesiology, not
where I said she did.  Second, the e-mail address for Jane Pak, organizer
of the Math Society and Science Society food drive, was given wrongly;
she's jpak@undergrad.math.

WHAT'S HAPPENING in graphic services?  That was to be the topic of this
morning's professional development seminar in the computing services
department, but it got cancelled.  However, I can report one thing that's
happening in graphic services: they're daily getting closer to opening
Graphics Express in South Campus Hall.  Promised: two Scooter computers
and two Macs for rent by the hour; black-and-white or colour computer
output; black-and-white or colour photocopying; self-service copiers;
plastic ring binding; laminating; a self-service paste-up and stapling
area.  Oh, and evening and weekend hours.

SATURDAY SYMPOSIUM:  The symposium on "Free Speech and Privacy in the
Information Age" starts at 9 tomorrow morning in the Davis Centre, and
runs through supper time.  Sessions deal with such topics as electronic
privacy, "global gossip", computer pornography, and "If Joseph Howe Were
Designing Cyberspace".  Star speakers include John Sopinka of the
Supreme Court of Canada and Ursula Franklin of the University of Toronto.
Registration for the event -- based in UW's computer science department
-- is in DC room 1301, starting at 8 a.m. (students $30, others $90).
You can see the full program for the event by using the Unix command
"finger sfsp@graceland".

ALSO THIS WEEKEND:  There's a free matinee at the Bombshelter pub today
featuring "Mike Something", and the "Energy 108 Roadshow" is at Federation
Hall tonight (tickets $2 at the Federation of Students office).
Saturday night, the Science Society sponsors a toga party at Fed Hall.

The staff association shopping trip to Galleria and White Oaks Mall in
London leaves at 8:30 tomorrow morning.

The basketball Warriors are at home to the University of Cedarville, Ohio,
at 4 p.m. Saturday in the main gym.  Otherwise, the Warriors and Athenas
are all on the road this weekend -- swimmers to Queen's, McGill, and
Ottawa, figure-skaters to Queen's, curlers to Western, hockey Warriors 
to Windsor.

AND HAPPY BIRTHDAY today to the associate provost (finance), Dorothy

Chris Redmond
Information and Public Affairs, University of Waterloo
888-4567 ext. 3004      credmond@watserv1.uwaterloo.ca