Daily Bulletin, Thursday, November 24, 1994

HAPPY THANKSGIVING to the Americans among us, first of all, as they
dream of turkey, the parade, and the Army-Navy football game.  (I'm betting 
there are no West Point or Annapolis graduates on campus, but if any do 
exist, I know I'll hear from them.)

HERE'S A CORRECTION to something in yesterday's Gazette, something that's
also been said in this Bulletin.  It has to do with the reception next
Tuesday honouring Wes Graham on his retirement.  The Gazette said that
the new J. W. Graham Medal and Prize for Computing and Innovation would
be awarded each year to "a UW graduate student with outstanding achievement
in these areas".  Not a student: the award is for a Waterloo graduate,
that is, someone among the 80,000 alumni.  

HAPPENING TODAY:  There's lots taking place amid the melting snow.

Ambulances and firefighters will converge on Macdonald House at Wilfrid
Laurier University about 11:30 today, for a simulated crash and rescue
sponsored by the WLU Bacchus (alcohol moderation) group.  "We want this
accident scene to make an unforgettable impression on people" and show the
results of drinking-and-driving, says Bacchus director Gary Fast.

The staff association's craft sale opens at 10 this morning in Davis
Centre room 1301 and will continue to 4 p.m.  Says Sue Fraser of the
kinesiology department, a member of the staff association social committee:
"There will be a silent auction between 11:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. and a
draw for door prizes.  Some talented UW employees have kindly donated
articles for sale and all monies from the sales of these items will go
toward the UW Senate Scholarship Fund."  On other sales, 10 per cent goes
to the scholarship fund.  Among the merchandise: stained glass, silk
flower arrangements, lingerie bags, cross-stitch, mittens, quilts.

Engineering Communications, a branch of the student Engineering Society,
holds an open house starting at 4:30 to provide more information about
student travel and exchange programs.  "Tentatively," says organizer Rod
Cave, "there are speakers who have been to Russia, Switzerland, Germany,
Japan and India.  Any other interested speakers are welcome."  Location:
Carl Pollock Hall room 4335.

The chess club sponsors a "speed chess tournament final showdown" in the
Campus Centre at 6 p.m.  Facing off over the board: Kris Boehmer, a
first-year chemical engineering student, and Ron Stockfleth, fourth-year
chemical.  Spectators can stick around and play a game of chess themselves
after the event.

The chemical engineering society holds its annual coffee house tonight,
starting at 8, in the great hall of Conrad Grebel College.

The drama department's "Macbeth", which opened last night, continues
in the Theatre of the Arts.  Showtime: 8 p.m.  Tickets: 888-4908.

A FOOD DRIVE:  The Math Society and Science Society are jointly sponsoring
a drive for the Waterloo Region Food Bank, now through December 1.  For
every non-perishable food item brought in to the MathSoc office in Math
and Computer or the SciSoc office in the Chemistry-Biology link, the
donor gets a raffle ticket.  The draw will be held in the Bombshelter
in mid-morning next Thursday, says organizer Jane Pak of the Math Society, 

Chris Redmond
Information and Public Affairs, University of Waterloo
888-4567 ext. 3004      credmond@watserv1.uwaterloo.ca