Daily Bulletin, Wednesday, November 23, 1994

HAVE AN ICE DAY:  No traffic accidents on campus this morning, the UW
police advise, but things certainly are slippery out among those snow
squalls.  Take it easy, and we'll all stay safe.  And surely the weather 
will improve in time to let a big enthusiastic audience get to the Theatre 
of the Arts, for the opening night of "Macbeth".

I had hoped there would be an announcement by about now of any changes
to UW's policy on closing for really bad winter storms.  But the details
are still under consideration.  I'll announce them on this Bulletin, and
in the Gazette, when they're available.  (The 1993-94 snow policy can
be found on UWinfo, for those who are interested.)

ELECTRONIC INFORMATION:  A new "home page" for UWinfo, this university's
Campus-Wide Information System, has been created and installed this
morning on the World Wide Web.  Users of Mosaic and other "Web browsers"
will find it at URL http://www.uwaterloo.ca/.

Explanation, for the less technically minded:  A Web home page is something
like a "gopher" main menu, and the new UWinfo home page looks a lot like
the main menu of the UWinfo gopher that many people on campus have been
using for the past two years.  The main difference is that Web software
can retrieve not just text files, as on a gopher, but graphics and all
sorts of material.

So take a look at UWinfo's Web version.  Among the main things you'll
find there:
     General information about UW, mirroring what's on the UWinfo gopher.

     Pointers (quick access) to Web pages and gophers maintained by 
     faculties, departments and groups across campus.

     Pointers to the bookstore's BookLook, and to UWdir, the directory
     of staff, faculty and student names, phones and e-mail addresses.

     Campus news information, including this Daily Bulletin, and a
     pointer to weather forecasts (the most popular feature on the UWinfo 

     An "Electronic library" section that not only points to Waterloo's
     Electronic Library home page (http://www.lib.uwaterloo.ca) but
     includes lists of gopher and Web sites around the world, Internet
     searching tools, and "starting points" on the Web, which is a vast,
     constantly changing and sometimes intimidating place.

The new home page was developed by the UWinfo operations committee, an
alliance of people from the library, computing services, data processing,
the University Computing Committee, and information and public affairs 
(that's me).

COMMUNITY NOTICE:  The following "advisory" is being issued by UW's
community relations office, and will be published as an ad in the
Kitchener-Waterloo Record this weekend:

     From time to time UW researchers ask residents from local
     communities to participate in their projects.  As with all research
     involving people, these projects initially have been carefully
     screened through UW's Office of Human Research to ensure they meet
     strict ethical guidelines.

     University of Waterloo researchers whose projects involve
     door-to-door, telephone or mail interviews/surveys must provide
     potential volunteers with the following information:
       -- name and university department of the researcher
       -- a detailed description of the project
       -- telephone number for the university's Office of Human
     Research which can be called to verify the legitimacy of the project.

     If you are asked to be a volunteer in any UW research, please
     be sure you have all the information as stated above.

     For more information, contact the Office of Human Research at
     888-4567, ext. 6005.

A similar "advisory" is sent out periodically, says Marlene Miles, manager
of community relations.  She said there have been incidents in the past of
people who had nothing to do with UW pretending they were doing research
surveys, but nothing of the sort has happened recently.

EXTENDED HOURS:  As exam time is looming, UW's libraries will be open for
extended hours, starting tonight, to provide more chance for study.  The
Dana Porter Library will be open Monday to Thursday 8 to midnight; Friday
8 a.m. to 11 p.m.; Saturday 11:30 a.m. to 11 p.m.; Sunday 11:30 a.m. to
midnight.  The Davis Centre Library will be open Monday to Thursday 8 a.m.
to 1 a.m.; Friday 8 a.m. to midnight; Saturday 11:30 a.m. to midnight;
Sunday 11:30 a.m. to 1 a.m.  The extended hours continue through December 20.

Chris Redmond
Information and Public Affairs, University of Waterloo
888-4567 ext. 3004      credmond@watserv1.uwaterloo.ca