Daily Bulletin, Tuesday, November 22, 1994

FOR THE RECORD: The first snow-flurries of the year were spotted at
breakfast time today.  And otherwise it seems to be a pretty slow
day.  But here are a few announcements and tidbits.

VOLUNTEERS WANTED:  The local Volunteer Action Centre is looking for
help as always, along these lines:

     Christmas wrapping volunteers -- Join in the spirit of Christmas
     by helping this agency raise much-needed funds to continue its
     efforts towards alcohol and drug recovery.  You will be working
     at this new concept mall wrapping customer purchases.  Hours are
     9:30 to 9, Monday to Saturday, Sunday 12 to 5.  If you can spare
     two to four hours you can choose times convenient to your schedule.
     Listing 015-1076

     Crisis line volunteers -- This is an opportunity to deal with crisis
     and information calls for an agency which offers sensitive, practical
     and effective counselling to parents and youth.  You are needed one
     evening a week, Monday to Friday, 6 to 10 p.m.  Training will be
     provided.  Listing 146-1065

The SVC (which has plenty of other openings too, and is happy to match
needs to talents) can be reached at 742-8610.

GRAPHICS EXPRESS, the new full-service copy facility in South Campus Hall,
will be open "the week of December 5", says its newly-appointed manager,
Colette Nevin.  Graphics Express is to be open from breakfast time to
10:30 at night on weekdays, with some weekend hours as well.

PIONEER HONOURED:  The university-wide reception to mark Wes Graham's
retirement is set for next Tuesday, November 29, from 4 to 6 p.m. at the
University Club.  Gift donations will be used to recognize Graham's
contributions to UW with the creation of a J. W. Graham Medal and Prize for
Computing and Innovation, to be awarded annually to a UW graduate student
who has shown outstanding achievement in these areas.  Contributions --
and RSVPs for the reception -- go to Pauline Valin in the president's
office, phone ext. 2203.

VISITING UW's dance department today is Mino Nicholas, artistic director
of the Doris Humphrey Company.  He's rehearsing a chosen group of Waterloo
students and will be taking them to New York a year from now to perform
as part of the 100th birthday celebrations of Humphrey, one of the
pioneers of modern dance.

AS VOTES in Waterloo's very close mayoral race are recounted today, I
should note one UW-related candidate in last week's municipal elections
who didn't get mentioned in the Gazette beforehand.  He is Tom Galloway,
the manager of custodial services, who easily won re-election to Kitchener's
city council as alderman for the South Ward.

Chris Redmond
Information and Public Affairs, University of Waterloo
888-4567 ext. 3004      credmond@watserv1.uwaterloo.ca