Daily Bulletin, Monday, November 21, 1994

RAIN OR NO, today's an auspicious day, at least for UW's French and
philosophy departments, and I wonder if they know why.  Jean-Francois
Marie Arouet, dit Voltaire, was born 300 years ago today.  Voltaire's
most famous saying is something he apparently didn't actually say, but
the sentiment has stuck to him: "I disapprove of what you say, but I will
defend to the death your right to say it."  

UW'S SENATE meets tonight -- Needles Hall 3001 at 7:30 p.m.  On the agenda:
a discussion of "integrity in scholarship" and the issues raised by the
Arthurs Report on misdoings at Concordia University.  The associate
provost (finance), Dorothy Battae, brought a report to the board of 
governors last month, saying that UW seems to be in good shape but that
financial procedures could be tightened up in one or two areas, and the
senate will look at that report as well.

The senate will also deal with course changes and other routine business,
including the schedule of classes and exams for 1995-96, and appointments
to the nominating committee that will find UW's next (or first) 
vice-president (university research).

COURSE SCHEDULES (oh yes, and fee statements) for the winter term will be
available starting today.  Arts and environmental studies students can
pick up their schedules at the registrar's office; math students, in Math
and Computer room 5115; science students, in Earth Sciences and Chemistry
room 252; applied health sciences students, at departmental offices; Renison
and St. Jerome's College students, at college offices.  Optometry students 
need only check their mailboxes.

And for engineering students: first-year, Carl Pollock Hall 1320F; systems
design year 4, Davis Centre 2599C; electrical year 4, DC 2597B; mechanical
year 4, Engineering 2 room 2328; civil year 4, E2 room 2333; chemical
year 4, E1 room 2509; geological year 4, E2 room 2304.

Schedules for part-time students, and for co-op students who are on work 
term now and will be back on campus in January, were mailed last week.

LISTINGS ON UWINFO:  There are new and up-to-date lists of deans, department
chairs and department heads now on UWinfo.  Look under "About the
University of Waterloo" and then "Names and Departments".  The lists are
in pretty rough form -- that's what happens when a non-technical type
like me transfers a WordPerfect file into text -- but they may still be
of some use.

HAPPENING TODAY:  The UW vegetarian club holds a potluck dinner tonight --
7 p.m., room 3005 of the PAS (psychology) building.

At noontime today, Gardner Church of the school of urban and regional planning
talks on "The City: The Key to Economic and Environmental Survival" at 
Kitchener Public Library's main branch downtown.  The talk is part of a
weekly series in which staff and faculty from UW and Wilfrid Laurier
University present their expertise to the community.

Chris Redmond
Information and Public Affairs, University of Waterloo
888-4567 ext. 3004      credmond@watserv1.uwaterloo.ca