Daily Bulletin, Friday, November 18, 1994

THE LIBRARY and the school of architecture celebrate the opening of
the William Dendy Collection in the rare book room today.  The party,
by invitation, is at 4:30; items from the collection are on display on
the first floor of the Dana Porter Library.

NOW ON UWINFO:  A mass of material from the provost's office has been made
available on UWinfo -- most importantly, a list of committees that report
to the provost, with their membership and their terms of reference.  For
example, can you rattle off the members of Deans' Council, the committee
that meets on Wednesday mornings to make many of the decisions about the
management of this university?  UWinfo gives the answer:

     DEANS' COUNCIL -  Membership, 1994/95
     Jim Kalbfleisch, Vice-President, Academic and Provost (Chair)
     John Bullen (Secretary)
     Robin Banks, Associate Provost, Academic Affairs
     Roger Downer, Vice-President, University Relations
     Bob Norman, Dean of Applied Health Sciences
     Brian Hendley, Dean of Arts
     David Burns, Dean of Engineering
     Jeanne Kay, Dean of Environmental Studies
     Jack Kalbfleisch, Dean of Mathematics
     John Thompson, Dean of Science
     Gary Waller, Interim Dean of Research
     Pat Rowe, Dean of Graduate Studies

To find such material on UWinfo look under "Departments" and then "Office
of the Provost".

THE BOOKSTORE and UW Shop continue celebrating their renovation.  Tomorrow,
when both shops are open from noon to 4 p.m. (that's also information
found on UWinfo, by the way), there's a 10 per cent discount on all
merchandise except special orders, sale items, calculators and electronics.

SPORTS WEEKEND:  The volleyball Warriors, otherwise known as the Black
Plague, host the Warriors Classic tournament Saturday and Sunday, with the
championship game on Sunday afternoon set to be televised.  The hockey
Warriors are at home tonight to Laurentian and Sunday afternoon to
Ryerson.  The Athena squash team hosts the Can-Am Tournament tonight
through Sunday.

Other teams: the basketball Athenas host Manitoba at 6 tonight; the
Athena and Warrior curlers host the Waterloo Invitational bonspiel on Sunday.
Competing out of town are the squash Warriors, the basketball Athenas,
the basketball Warriors and both badminton teams.

You won't see Waterloo represented in the Vanier Cup, the national 
university football championship game to be played tomorrow afternoon.
But Cory Delaney of the Warriors does have a chance to win the President's
Award, one of the top prizes given out during the Vanier Cup festivities;
it's awarded by the Canadian Interuniversity Athletic Union for the
top "stand-up defensive player" of the year.

At a humbler level of sport, the UW curling club holds a bonspiel
tomorrow at the Elora Curling Club.  Last-minute information comes from
Ian Ashman at 884-0020, idashman@undergrad.math.

IF YOU LOVE a parade, get you down to King Street tomorrow for the 
Kitchener-Waterloo Santa Claus parade, which starts at 10 a.m.  A feature
of the event will be the float jointly sponsored by UW, Wilfrid Laurier
University and Conestoga College, first seen in the Oktoberfest parade
last month.  

Theme of the float is "Tomorrow's Leaders -- Bridges to the Future", and
music will be provided by the Warriors Band, which also starred at the
South Campus Hall grand opening on Wednesday, playing "Hail to the Chief"
as James Downey took the stage.  Later in the party they swung into "The
Maple Leaf Forever" -- hadn't heard that joyful imperialist melody for years.

Chris Redmond
Information and Public Affairs, University of Waterloo
888-4567 ext. 3004      credmond@watserv1.uwaterloo.ca