Daily Bulletin, Thursday, November 17, 1994

PLANNING IN MATH:  Professors, students and staff in mathematics are 
invited to a "planning session" today, as the math faculty's planning
committee continues its work.  Says a memo sent out yesterday by the
dean of math: "Those present will be asked to think about strengths,
weaknesses, opportunities and threats and contribute to a bulletin board 
discussion.  Each participant will be asked to summarize thoughts about 
each of these categories on slips of paper and post these on a board;  at 
the end of the session, participants will be asked to review the postings 
of all contributors and organize the comments in each category.  The session 
will probably take about one hour."  It starts at 11:30 this morning in
Math and Computer room 5136B.

The math planning committee has been meeting for the past four weeks,
the dean's memo says, "and has begun the process of developing a long
range plan".  Weekly meetings are held in that same room, 5136B, at
1:45 on Fridays.  Says the dean: "The meetings are open to observers, and 
the notes from the meetings are being made available in each Department 
office, and on a new newsgroup called uw.math.faculty.planning."

ABOUT MEETINGS:  Spaces are suddenly available in a two-day seminar for
staff members, titled "Making Meetings Work".  It runs November 21 and 28,
as part of the staff training and development program.  Marg Letter of the
human resources department says there have been some cancellations; staff
who would like to sign up, or to get more information, can reach her at
ext. 6645.

GERMANY OR FRANCE:  $1,500 bursaries are available for Ontario students
taking part in the Ontario/Baden-Wurttemburg and Ontario/Rhone-Alpes
exchange program in 1995-96.  The international programs office (phone
ext. 5729) can put you in touch with contact people in each of UW's
faculties, who in turn can start the process of application, interview
and language assessment.  Deadline: January 20.

ABOUT THE NET:  Three public meetings having to do with the computer Internet 
are happening at UW today.  First, at 3:30 in Math and Computer 2009,
is a gathering of "web masters and web weavers" -- anybody who's creating
World Wide Web pages or expects to be doing so is invited.  The meeting
was set up by the computing services department, with support from the
UWinfo operations committee, with an eye to sharing ideas and information
about how to create good pages.  Information: Carol Vogt, cmvogt@dcs1.

Then at 4:30 in MC room 2065, the Computer Science Club presents "The
Internet and the Law", a talk by Poesy Chen of the CSC, with discussion
to follow.

Finally, at 7:30 in MC room 2009, Roger Watt of computing services speaks
to the local chapter of engineering alumni about "Presenting Your Company's
Information on the Internet".  Tickets: ext. 6838.

ALSO TODAY:  The third annual "used clothing exchange" starts today in
the Environmental Studies I courtyard.  It runs from 10 to 7 today and
tomorrow, and from 10 to 3 on Saturday.

The bookstore and UW Shop, which had the grand opening of their renovated
quarters in South Campus Hall yesterday, continue to celebrate with
sale prices.  Today it's 10 per cent off all books in the "current
publications" general books section.  Friday, 10 per cent off lugger
knapsacks in the UW Shop.  And Saturday -- yes, the bookstore is open on
Saturdays -- it's 10 per cent off all merchandise in both stores, with
a few exceptions such as calculators.

Travel Ventures presents the Famous People Players in the Humanities
Theatre, this afternoon at 1:30 and tonight at 7.  Tickets: 896-8687.

Chris Redmond
Information and Public Affairs, University of Waterloo
888-4567 ext. 3004      credmond@watserv1.uwaterloo.ca