Daily Bulletin, Wednesday, November 16, 1994

THE RUMOURS of cake are true, an inside source told me this morning, so
trundle on over to South Campus Hall around 12:30 and have a slice.
The bookstore, the UW Shop, Graphics Express and the other occupants of
the newly-renovated mall area are hosting their grand opening today.

And is everything ready (apart from Graphics Express, where manager
Colette Nevin has already said it'll be a week or so before the photocopiers
are humming)?  Almost.  At eight-thirty this morning, university architect
Dan Parent was surveying the area with a worried expression, while work
crews pulled wires and turned screwdrivers.  The visitors centre was still
without furniture, but it might be there by half-past twelve.  Anyway,
party on.

The main graphic services print shop, and the copy centres in engineering
and environmental studies, will be closed from 12:15 to 1:15 to allow
their staff to be at the South Campus Hall opening.  Graphics Express will
be the biggest retail facility in the graphic services chain when it
opens for business.

ALSO TODAY:  Marlene Nourbese Philip, author of Frontiers: Selected Writings
on Racism and Culture, among other things, will read from her works at
St. Jerome's College at 12:30 today (room 315).

Co-op students are invited to Federation Hall at 4:30 for a "mixer" with
coordinators, the professional staff from the co-op department who match
students with jobs and help them through the work term.  The event is
sponsored by Students Advising Co-op.  Says Gerry Kirk, one of the math
representatives on SAC: "Come chat with any of the coordinators about
questions you have about co-op, what they do, the NHL strike, etc.  Snacks
will be served."

The dean of arts holds a reception in honour of the 1994 Arts Entrance
Scholarship winners, today from 4 to 5:30 in Humanities room 373.

MOVING RESERVE SERVICES:  Work is going ahead with the plan to move the
reserve service of the Davis Centre and Dana Porter Libraries into a space
on the second floor of the new Student Centre.  The library team that's
planning the move has issued an electronic progress report; it can be
found on UWinfo under Facilities/Library/News/Reserves.

GROWING OUR OWN:  On the agenda for next week's meeting of the UW senate
is a report on how many tenure-track professors Waterloo has hired in the
past ten years (278) and how many of them got their PhDs from Waterloo
(46, or 17 per cent of the total).  The engineering faculty hires its own
products the most -- 22 out of 66 -- while arts has hired only one UW PhD
out of 77 new faculty.

Chris Redmond
Information and Public Affairs, University of Waterloo
888-4567 ext. 3004      credmond@watserv1.uwaterloo.ca