Daily Bulletin, Tuesday, November 15, 1994

STAFF LEADERS:  The staff association has announced the results of
nominations for its 1995 executive, with several people being acclaimed
to office, while there will be an election (with five candidates) for
three seats as directors.

Mark Walker of the earth sciences department was acclaimed to the post
of president-elect.  He'll become president in 1996.  The 1995 president
is Sharon Lamont of the Davis Centre library, who was acclaimed to
the president-elect role a year ago.

Also acclaimed: Karen Musselman of economics to a second year as secretary;
Meredith McGinnis of distance education to be treasurer; Iris Strickler of
computer science, this year's treasurer, to be vice-president.  Sharon Adams
of urban and regional planning, the 1994 president, stays on the executive 
as past president.

Candidates for directors' posts: Angelo Graham of safety, Sylvia Hannigan
of the Centre for Cultural Management, Linda Lingard of statistics and
actuarial science, Paul Ludwig of the Institute for Computer Research,
Brian Whitfield of the engineering machine shops.

Association members are receiving ballots, which are due back by Monday,
November 28.  The staff association holds its annual general meeting Monday,
December 5, at 3:30 p.m. in Davis Centre 1302.

URSULA FRANKLIN, much-honoured metallurgist at the University of Toronto,
visits UW today as the first holder of the new Canada Trust Walter Bean
Visiting Professorship in the Environment.  She'll speak at 4 p.m. (Arts
Lecture room 113) on "Environments Versus Nature".  Says Franklin: "I will
speak about the philosophy of environmental science and about studying
the environment. I will make the point that 'environment' can be a rather
narrow concept, compared to the complexity of 'nature', and I will make a 
plea not to shy away from accepting and studying complex situations, and
to resist oversimplifications."

SOUTH CAMPUS HALL looks more and more finished every day.  Any bets on
whether the visitors centre will be furnished and ready for use by 12:30
on Wednesday, when the grand opening of the newly-renovated building
is to start?  Benches and wastebaskets appeared yesterday in the new mall
area, and there are photocopiers visible in what will soon be Graphics
Express (although the official word is that it'll be another week or so
before customers can actually be served there).

Tomorrow's opening celebrations are sponsored by the bookstore and UW
Shop, food services (its Double U's outlet is doing a steady business in
coffee and muffins), Marlin Travel and Graphics Express.  There are 
rumours of cake.

COMING:  The theatre centre says its sixth annual Christmas pageant will
be held in the Humanities Theatre Saturday, December 3, at 3 p.m.

A used clothing sale in environmental studies runs Thursday through
Saturday this week.

"Web masters and web weavers" are bidden to a meeting Thursday to talk
about sharing techniques and information for the construction of World
Wide Web pages at UW.  Carol Vogt of computing services says, "We would
encourage anyone who is (or will be) maintaining a Web server or building
Web pages to attend."  It's at 3:30 in Math and Computer room 2009.

Chris Redmond
Information and Public Affairs, University of Waterloo
888-4567 ext. 3004      credmond@watserv1.uwaterloo.ca