Daily Bulletin, Friday, November 11, 1994

REMEMBRANCE DAY today marks the 76th anniversary of the Armistice that
ended World War I.  Canada pauses to remember those who have died in the
country's wars, and to honour those who, daring to die, survived.

     They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old.
     Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
     At the going down of the sun and in the morning
     We will remember them.                     (Laurence Binyon)

The UW chaplains' association sponsors a Remembrance Day service from
10:45 to 11:15 a.m. at St. Bede's Chapel in Renison College.

HOMECOMING runs today through Sunday, with the Big Tent at Federation
Hall, tomorrow morning's fun run, a Saturday night "wine sampling" at
Renison College, and many alumni reunions.  

And of course there's the Naismith Classic basketball tournament, all weekend
in the main gym.  The first game tips off at 12 noon today; the Warriors
face McGill at 7 tonight; and games continue through tomorrow and Sunday,
with the championship matchup at 2 p.m. Sunday.  Season tickets provide
admission to the tournament; those without tickets (or student ID, which
counts as a season ticket) pay $7 per two games or $20 for the weekend.

The ring road run starts at 10:15 tomorrow.  Runners will use the inside
lane, while cars will be restricted to the outside lane, driving
counterclockwise ("keep right").

For last-minute information about Homecoming, and tickets to any events
that aren't yet sold out, call ext. 2038.

A booth in South Campus Hall is selling half-price tickets for the musical
"Miss Saigon" in Toronto.  Organizers boast that they expect "huge crowds"
as the tickets go on sale, today until 9 p.m. and Saturday from 9 to 7.

The National Alumni Council, representing Waterloo alumni from across
the country, holds its annual meeting today, starting at 1:30 p.m. in 
Needles Hall room 3001.

PROGRAMMING CONTEST:   UW student programmers will be trying to defend their 
world championship this weekend in the regional competition of the
Association for Computer Machinery International Collegiate Programming 
Contest.  A total of 79 teams of students will participate, including two 
UW teams.  Two winning teams from these East-Central Regionals will go on 
to the finals, to be held March 1 in Nashville.

The UW team of Seiji Ando, Ian Goldberg and Ka-Ping Yee won the international 
finals held in Phoenix last spring.  "It will be very difficult to beat 
last year's results and I don't think anyone has won two times in a row," 
says Jo Ebergen of the department of computer science, who is the regional 
contest director.

Practice sessions take place tonight from 8 to 10, with the final five-hour 
competition to start Saturday at 11 a.m. at the Mathematics and Computer 
building, third floor. The public is welcome to watch.

OTHER EVENTS:  The Campus Centre's autumn arts and crafts fair winds up
today (10 a.m. to 5 p.m.).

FASS sponsors a coffee house Saturday night at the Graduate House.

Athena and Warrior swimmers host a meet in the Physical Activities pool,
starting at 12 noon on Saturday.  Apart from the basketball Warriors,
the rest of the athletes are away this weekend -- figure-skaters at
the York Invitational, cross-country runners at Western for the national
championships, hockey Warriors in Kingston to face Queen's and the Royal
Military College (not both at the same time).

Environment and resource studies students will hold their third annual
"clothing exchange" next Thursday through Saturday.  People can drop off
old clothes for the event starting Monday, on the main floor of
Environmental Studies I.  "Clothes must be clean and wearable in public.
Be sure to put clothes in a bag with your name and phone number
clearly marked.  All proceeds go to local charitable organizations,"
says the organizer, Heidi Freiheit, hmfreihe@watserv1.

HEATING SHUTDOWN:  Heating will be turned off Monday, from 8 a.m. to 
2 p.m., in Biology 1 and the Earth Sciences and Chemistry building, to
allow changes to the fan coil system, the plant operations department

Chris Redmond
Information and Public Affairs, University of Waterloo
888-4567 ext. 3004      credmond@watserv1.uwaterloo.ca