Daily Bulletin, Thursday, November 10, 1994

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY to UW's staff association, which is 25 years old
today.  On November 10, 1969, a general meeting of staff elected an
executive committee that got the association under way.  

I owe a little apology to the staff association, by the way.  The front
page of yesterday's Gazette refers to the association's November 24 craft
sale, and says there are details on page 13.  Well, the details got
taken out in the last stages of editing this week's paper.  They'll 
appear next week, of course.  Briefly: the craft sale runs from 10 a.m.
to 4 p.m. on that day, two weeks from today, in Davis Centre room 1301.
Some 35 staff and retirees will be selling baked goods, wall hangings,
pressed flowers, Christmas decorations, knitwear, ceramics and other

UNITED WAY campaign contributions have hit $130,775, says Terry Stewart
of applied health sciences, who's responsible for spreading the last-minute
word. The campaign officially ends today, and is still well short of
the $150,000 goal (UW's share of the $4.1 million that the United Way
is seeking to collect across Kitchener-Waterloo).

TWO MEMBERS of Parliament, Andrew Telegdi of Waterloo and John English of
Kitchener, are expected to attend a forum tonight, sponsored by the
Federation of Students, to discuss proposed changes to the federal
government's social programs.  Of special interest is the proposal for
Ottawa to stop its cash transfer payments that help fund universities.
It would put the money instead into an "income-contingent repayable" loan
fund for students.  Predictions are that tuition fees would increase,
perhaps doubling within a few years, and most students would have to take
out sizeable loans, repayable based on their income levels after graduation.
Student leaders are less than enthusiastic about such a prospect.

Tonight's forum will be held in Engineering Lecture room 101 and starts
at 7 p.m. (not 7:30, as I have been saying in the Bulletin and in the
Gazette -- sorry).

GOODBYES will be said tonight as friends honour Zel Whittington, retiring
from UW after 21 years of service.  She's been the voice of the bookings
office, responsible for finding space for countless meetings, seminars
and special events.  The reception to wish her well takes place from 4 to 6
this evening at the University Club.


The flags at the University Avenue entrance to campus flew at half-staff
yesterday in memory of Billy Brockett, who retired in 1987 as a member
of UW's security force.  His funeral was held yesterday afternoon.

The recent memo to all UW students from the Student Services Advisory
Committee, as summarized in yesterday's Bulletin, is now available on
UWinfo.  You'll find a pointer to it under the "Documents" heading --
look for "Documents of Current Interest" and then "Student Services".

Donald McLeish of the statistics and actuarial science department marks
a birthday today.

Florence Thomlison, one of UW's better-known staff members, marks her
20th anniversary at the university tomorrow.  Originally in the personnel
department, she's now coordinator of services for disabled persons.
Colleagues suggest that everybody who knows her give her a call (ext. 4635)
or drop by (Needles Hall 2051) tomorrow to congratulate her -- and they're
trying to keep secret, for as long as possible, just how everybody knows
about this auspicious occasion.

Donors to the Alzheimer's Disease Research and Education Project, based
in the department of health studies and gerontology, are being recognized
at a 4 p.m. reception today at the Waterloo Inn.

The director of the award-winning Canadian movie "Clearcut" will be on hand
for a showing of the film tonight.  It's this week's presentation of the
Fine Arts Film Society, and takes place at 7 p.m. in East Campus Hall
room 1219.  The Polish-born director, Richard Bugajski, will be at the
event to talk about his work, which also includes the 1982 Polish film
"Interrogation".  "Clearcut" is a 1991 film about the conflict between
the logging industry and Native culture and environment in Canada's north.

Chris Redmond
Information and Public Affairs, University of Waterloo
888-4567 ext. 3004      credmond@watserv1.uwaterloo.ca