Daily Bulletin, Thursday, November 3, 1994

PREREGISTRATION:  This is the week for undergraduate students to sign up
for the courses they'll want to take next spring (May-August) term.  The
registrar's office didn't get a Notice into this week's Gazette, but here's
the official word:

     All currently registered undergraduate co-operative students intending 
     to enrol in undergraduate programmes in May 1995 should preregister 
     November 2-4, 1994.  Regular students wishing to register for the 
     Spring/Summer session should wait and pre-register in the Winter term.
     If you are thinking of changing faculties next term you should contact 
     the appropriate advisor of the faculty to which you wish to transfer.
     Pre-register with your department/faculty advisor.  Information 
     regarding advisors, times and places, etc., is listed in the Course 
     Offerings List.  Course Offerings Lists and additional information 
     can be obtained from the department/faculty offices.
     The 1994-95 Undergraduate Calendars are available from the Office of 
     the Registrar.

CANDIDATES for mayor of Waterloo and seats on city council and Waterloo
Regional Council come to campus today.  A forum, with a chance to ask
questions of the candidates, starts at noon in the great hall of the Campus
Centre.  It's sponsored by the Federation of Students.

GARBAGE TALK:  The Ontario Colleges and Universities Association of Waste
Managers is meeting at UW today.  Patti Cook, UW's waste management
coordinator, says a hot topic will be the latest waste reduction regulations
put out by the Ontario environment ministry.  She's hoping to collect new
information on "the penalties for not completing the audits, workplans
and recycling on schedule".  Among other issues: "food waste disposal
alternatives", "the green workplace", and a federal government project
having to do with the "environmental performance" of buildings, including
air quality, energy, water and waste.  

BRIEFLY:  Spirit of the West plays at Federation Hall tonight.

The UW chess club runs its "first annual" speed chess tournament starting
at 5 p.m. in the Campus Centre.

Cheryl Ruddock, whose art works are on display in the Modern Languages
gallery this month, gives a slide talk at 1 p.m. in East Campus Hall 1219.

AND A CORRECTION:  Some readers will have seen in yesterday's Bulletin
that Roger Downer, vice-president (university relations), has been
appointed to a second term that will take him through 1996.  The correct
date is June 30, 1997; the permanent copy of the Bulletin on UWinfo has
been corrected.

Chris Redmond
Information and Public Affairs, University of Waterloo
888-4567 ext. 3004      credmond@watserv1.uwaterloo.ca