Daily Bulletin, Tuesday, November 1, 1994

THE NEW principal of St. Paul's United College is on duty today.  
Helga Kutz-Harder, most recently an executive for the Toronto Conference
of the United Church of Canada, takes over from acting principal Russel
Legge as head of the smallest of UW's four church colleges.

HOW MANY students has UW?  Today's the official count date for the fall
term, when enrolment is calculated for Statistics Canada and provincial
government funding.  Numbers won't actually be available until next week,
when the computers have digested all the last-minute dropouts and
registrations.  Bruce Pinder of the registrar's office says this year's
enrolment is expected to be lower than last year's -- the result of
somewhat smaller admissions to first year for the past two years.

HAPPENING TODAY:  The annual MBA Day, co-sponsored by career planners at
UW and WLU, runs from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the Davis Centre foyer.

A forum sponsored by Students Advising Co-op goes from 11:30 to 1:30
in Davis Centre room 1302.  It's a chance for students to ask questions 
of people in the co-op department -- about what coordinators do, how
co-op fees are used, how the new electronic student access system works,
what job prospects look like, or whatever's on their mind.

Library staff are being invited to "a small celebration" in the Dana
Porter Library staff lounge at morning coffee break time (10:30 to
11:15) to say thanks for all the staff who helped get through the library's
busiest time of the year, September orientation and "user education" season.

THE FEDERATION of Students holds its annual general meeting tomorrow,
Wednesday, at 7 p.m. in the Campus Centre great hall.  It was postponed
from an earlier date, for lack of a quorum, and Fed executives are hoping
to get enough of a crowd out this time so that the official business can
be done.

HERE ARE the latest figures from the 1994 UW for United Way Campaign, as
of last Thursday.  Faculty and staff contributions had reached $96,684;
graduate student givings, $2,069; retiree contributions, $2,237; income 
from special events, $3,142; a special contribution from the Army, Navy
and Air Force Veterans, $5,000.  Total, $109,132. That's approximately 
73 per cent of the way towards this year's objective of $150,000.  
Says Terry Stewart, one of the campaign organizers: "So far this year, our 
participation rate is 17.3%.  Last year's overall participation rate was 
24.0%.  So if you haven't taken the time to fill out your pledge form, 
please do so now.  The campaign has been extended to November 10, but 
please don't wait to send in your pledge form.  If you need a pledge form, 
please contact the Campaign Office at ext. 3840."

SCH SHUTDOWN:  Electrical power, heating, cooling and ventilation will
be turned off overnight (11 p.m. to 3 a.m.) in South Campus Hall, as
renovations there continue.

AND FINALLY, I did hear about a fair number of Hallowe'en costumes and
decorations in UW offices yesterday.  Norma Secord of systems design
engineering reported "a nun, a shy devil, a panda bear who sits on her 
desk trying to open mail with padded paws and someone who is backwards 
(always has been but has just let it out of the closet today).  The 
Associate Chair has just told a visiting toddler that we don't normally 
look like this -- sometimes we look even worse!"

From the development and alumni office came a report of business as usual: 
"a skunk, a very smart pirate, a cat, a hockey player, an excellent clown, 
several cross-dressers and two BenBusters complete with overalls and proton
backpacks".  (Ben is Benefactor, the computer software used in those
offices to keep track of alumni and donors.) 

Chris Redmond
Information and Public Affairs, University of Waterloo
888-4567 ext. 3004      credmond@watserv1.uwaterloo.ca