Daily Bulletin, Monday, December 19, 1994

LAST CHANCE FOR LUNCH:  The Laurel Room is going to close as a buffet
restaurant, says Mark Murdoch, director of food services.  He said the
little dining room in South Campus Hall is needed for lunch meetings
and other special functions, now that the Festival Room cafeteria is
doing a booming business and the Flamingo Rooms are in use for extra
seating there.  So this Friday will be the last day of regular operation
for the Laurel Room.  

Murdoch said it'll still be opened for a couple of weeks before three
major holidays each year -- Easter, Thanksgiving and Christmas -- to offer
the fixed-price special lunches that have become a holiday tradition.
The $10.75 Christmas special, running this week, includes roast turkey, 
roast beef and filet of sole, salads, vegetables, plum pudding and so
on and on.  Reservations: ext. 3196.

HOLE IN THE GROUND:  A plant operations crew is digging this morning at
the side of the ring road near the University Avenue entrance to campus.
It's "preventive" work, says David Churchill, director of technical
operations in the department.  Last week, he notes, a water main broke
under University Avenue, and the road was closed for half a day while
repairs were made.  It was a pipe that's no longer used, installed long
ago to carry water for lawn watering to the area of parking lot A.  The
crew at work today is shutting off that pipe so there's no danger of
another breakage in future.

PAYDAY comes this Wednesday (December 21) for nearly everybody who works
at UW.  For faculty and monthly-paid staff, Wednesday is the pay date
in place of the normal date of Friday, December 30.  For biweekly-paid
staff, Wednesday is payday in place of the normal date of this Thursday.
And for casual employees, Wednesday is payday instead of this Friday.

Next month, pay dates go back to normal for casual and biweekly-paid staff.
Faculty and monthly-paid staff will see their next deposits on Wednesday,
January 25, instead of Friday, January 27.

GRAPHIC SERVICES advises that Graphics Express, the new copy centre in
South Campus Hall, is closed all day today, but reopens tomorrow.  Several
other copy centres -- those in Environmental Studies, the Dana Porter
Library, and the Davis Centre -- will close early today, at 4:30.  The
occasion is the graphic services department Christmas party.

CUSTOMER SUPPORT will be a little reduced in the computing services
department over the next few days.  The Customer Support Centre, which
usually maintains long hours, will be staffed by help-desk advisors only
from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. today through Thursday, and 8:30 to 4:30 on
Friday.  "Due to staff holidays," a notice says, "the centre may be
short in staff during this week.  Please bear with us."  The Customer
Support Centre will be open three days next week, when most of the
university is closed: December 29, 30 and 31, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

UTILITY SHUTDOWNS:  Gas and emergency power will be turned off in the
entire Village 2 complex tomorrow morning from 8 a.m. to noon, so that
plant operations can work on a gas line to the generator.  

Steam and domestic hot water will be turned off to room 177 in the Biology 1
building tomorrow from 8 a.m. to noon.

BIRTHDAY GREETINGS, finally, to John Schey, retired (but adjunct and
active) faculty member in the mechanical engineering department.

Chris Redmond
Information and Public Affairs, University of Waterloo
888-4567 ext. 3004      credmond@watserv1.uwaterloo.ca