Daily Bulletin, Thursday, December 15, 1994

WINTER STORMS:  A new procedure was issued yesterday about closing of 
the university during severe winter weather.

The central point is unchanged from the way things have been done in
recent years: UW will close automatically if the Waterloo County Board of 
Education closes all its schools for the day.  If the school board closes 
rural schools only, or cancels school buses but does not close schools, UW 
is not closed.

When UW closes, classes (day and evening) are cancelled, and staff are
not expected to come to work, except those in a narrowly defined list of
"essential services".  Examinations that are scheduled on the day or the
evening of a closing because of bad weather will be cancelled and 
rescheduled.  Deadlines for assignments, job applications and other 
requirements are postponed to the same time on the next working day.

Radio stations that can be expected to carry announcements include CKGL (570), 
CKKW (1090), CHYM (96.7) and CFCA (105.3), as well as UW's own student 
station, CKMS (100.3 FM).  The university's news bureau will try to arrange 
to have UW mentioned explicitly, but staff, faculty and students can assume 
that if a complete closing of Board of Education schools is announced,
UW has also closed.

A campus closing will also be posted electronically by the internal 
communications office.  Look on UWinfo for the Daily Bulletin and for "Flash"
on the main menu, or check the newsgroup uw.general.

The storm closing procedure also describes how a decision will be made if 
UW must close during the day, or for the evening, because of bad weather.

The procedure can be found on UWinfo under "Documents of Current Interest",
and will be published in the January 4 Gazette.  Printed copies of the 
procedure are available on request from the university secretariat.

CO-OP INTERVIEWS:  Co-op employer interviews for all programs except
architecture will begin on January 30, says Olaf Naese of the co-op education
department.  The "initial interview period" runs through February 22, and
the "continuous interview period" will start February 27, he announced
yesterday.  Architecture employer interviews will take place March 20
to April 14.

The co-op department has this advice for students who will be interviewing
in the winter for spring term co-op jobs: "Remember to bring a copy of
your latest examination report with you when you return to campus in
January.  You will need it to prepare your resume package. First-year
students whose home town is in Ontario will receive a high school examination
report from Co-op Education in January.  Please refer to the handout
'Important Co-op Dates and Procedures' for more information.  The handout
will be available the first week of January from Co-op Reception, Needles
Hall 1101."

THE WEEK THAT WASN'T:  The 1995-96 desk calendar from the Employee
Assistance Program was distributed yesterday -- it's a bright yellow-green
-- and guess what: there's a mistake, affecting April 1996.  "No, Good
Friday 1996 is not a Wednesday," says Sue Fraser of health studies, one
of the staff association representatives on the EAP committee.  "This
must have got missed when checking the galley proofs.  Never fear, in
December 1995 another outrageous coloured EAP calendar will be produced
and corrected for 1996."  So . . . April 1, 1996, is really a Monday, not
a Saturday, and the Good Friday holiday does fall on April 5.  And we can 
stop looking forward to those five invisible days between March 31 and April 
1 when, presumably, we wouldn't have had to come to work.

A MEMORIAL SERVICE for Paul Niessen, mechanical engineering faculty
member, who died November 28, will be held today.  It begins at 3 p.m. in
Siegfried Hall, St. Jerome's College.

Chris Redmond
Information and Public Affairs, University of Waterloo
888-4567 ext. 3004      credmond@watserv1.uwaterloo.ca