Daily Bulletin, Friday, December 9, 1994

FALL TERM EXAMS are under way, and I thought it might not be out of place
to repeat what I wrote on the Daily Bulletin a year ago today:

     We won't say anything so fatuous as "Good luck," since success
     on exams has very little to do with luck.  But perhaps it would
     be fair to make one suggestion especially for first-year students:
     Be of good courage!  Your abilities got you this far and they
     won't fail you now.

PARKING AT PAC:  The Student Centre construction has moved to the west
side of the building, bordering on the Physical Activities Complex quad.
As a result, parking will shortly be restricted to the metered area only,
UW's parking office warns.

"Enforcement of the parking regulations in the Quad area will include both
ticketing and towing.  Vehicles parked at an expired meter will be issued
a citation and may also be removed.  Vehicles parked anywhere else in the
PAC Quad will be removed to the compound by the tow vehicle at the
owner's expense.

"The PAC Quad will become a very busy area with the addition of the loading
dock to service the new and renovated Student Centre requirements.  The 
area must be kept clear not only to provide sufficient room for large
vehicles to maneuver to the loading dock but also to ensure that
emergency vehicles have access to both the PAC and the Student Centre."

The parking folks suggest that parking lot M, not far away, is a better
choice for most people's cars.

VOLUNTEERS WANTED:  The local Volunteer Action Centre, at 742-8610, has
some opportunities:

     Theatre assistants -- Have you always wanted to participate in
     the behind-the-scenes operation of a theatre company?  This new
     and exciting professional theatre company needs technical assistants,
     concession operators, a box office manager and ushers.  Five
     productions will be held from January to June.  Choose your area
     of interest and join in the fun.  Listing 022-1113

     Volunteers are needed in a number of capacities for a charitable,
     year-round sport, recreation and fitness program for children and
     adults who are developmentally handicapped.  Areas include coach's
     assistant, volunteer coordinator, event coordinator, board
     secretary, and public relations and fundraising officer.  Typical
     time commitment is three to five hours per month.  Listing 119-1101-6

THIS WEEKEND:  Things are mighty quiet, apart from off-campus musical
events in the spirit of the season.  The Twin City Kiwanis, who sponsor
travelogues regularly in the Humanities Theatre, are there tonight (8 p.m.)
with a show on "Tahiti and Fiji, Paradise of the Pacific".  

But departmental Christmas parties are under way: the development and alumni
affairs office, for example, has its celebration today.

Chris Redmond
Information and Public Affairs, University of Waterloo
888-4567 ext. 3004      credmond@watserv1.uwaterloo.ca