Daily Bulletin, Wednesday, December 7, 1994

FACULTY CASES:  The faculty association holds its annual general meeting
this afternoon.  Among the committee reports on the agenda is one from
the Academic Freedom & Tenure Committee, which regularly deals with the
controversies, scandals and issues of principle on campus.  The report
includes a progress report on the status of Ken Westhues, sociology
professor who filed a grievance after he was disciplined last winter for
his actions in a highly publicized confrontation with a colleague.  Says
the committee, in part:

     On 26 May 1994 Professor Westhues filed his grievance with the
     Grievance Committee, but received a letter on 6 September 1994
     informing him that the Committee had decided to end its investigation
     without reaching a decision.  Both Professor Westhues and the AF&T
     Committee have continued seeking to find ways to have his grievance
     addressed internally, but failing that will explore external means.

The same committee's report includes a brief paragraph about a case that
hasn't been mentioned publicly before:

     A faculty member of 29 years or so standing has been informed that
     the Administration is proceeding to seek the member's dismissal.
     This proceeding, under Policy 53, arises from allegations of sexual
     harassment.  The member is pursuing options in consultation with a
     solicitor and with legal staff at CAUT.

The association's annual meeting -- which will also deal with everything
from the status of women to a treasurer's report -- starts at 2:30 in
Davis Centre room 1350.

SEASONAL MUSIC:  UW's own "three choir's festival" happens today starting
at 12:15 -- the annual concert in the Davis Centre great hall, featuring
the university choir, chamber choir and chapel choir.  The acoustics of
that extraordinary space are said to resemble those of some cathedrals,
and a concert taking full advantage of its shape, with music rising from
floor to 35-foot ceiling and being repeated from balcony to balcony, has 
become a Christmas tradition at Waterloo.  All are welcome.

EXAM TONIGHT:  The English Language Proficiency Exam will be given tonight
at 7 p.m. in the Physical Activities Complex main gym.  All students who
have not fulfilled their faculty's English language requirement should
plan to write the exam this evening.

HIGH SCHOOL students interested in "peer mediation" are gathering today at
Conrad Grebel College for a one-day conference to help them develop their
skills.  "Acting Out Alternatives to Violence" is the title for the day's
event, sponsored by the Grebel-related agencies The Network and The Institute
for Peace and Conflict Studies.

THANKS TO DONORS:  A reception for donors to Campaign Waterloo is being
held tonight at Siegfried Hall, St. Jerome's College.  The development
office organizes such an event each year, with UW's president as the nominal
host.  It's for all individual donors of $250 or more in the year -- the
"Quarter Century Club" and "President's Committee".

ALSO PARTYING today are library staff:  the "Holiday Celebration", a
generic title to cover all the festivals of this season, is sponsored by
the Staff Advisory Council in the library and starts at 3:30 in the ICR
Lounge of the Davis Centre.  ("SAC encourages you to bring your own 
plates, utensils, and mugs to help save the planet," writes the council's
chair, Mark Spencer.)

Chris Redmond
Information and Public Affairs, University of Waterloo
888-4567 ext. 3004      credmond@watserv1.uwaterloo.ca