Daily Bulletin, Tuesday, December 6, 1994

NO NEW CUTS: The Ontario government announced yesterday that its grants
to universities "will not be cut further" in 1995-96.  Cuts already 
announced aren't being changed.  The province will give $1,821,000,000 
to universities in the coming year.

UW officials were huddling over spreadsheets this morning, trying to work
out some sort of income figure to show to the senate finance and long-range
planning committees when they meet tomorrow.  A preliminary estimate is 
that Waterloo's grant will be down by 1.5 to 2 per cent from this year, 
UW provost Jim Kalbfleisch said.

Tuition fees are to go up by 10 per cent, as announced a year ago.
Altogether, Kalbfleisch said, there should be "a small increase" in what 
UW has to spend in 1995-96. With unavoidable spending increases, "that 
won't remove the need for some budget cuts. But it could have been much

IN THE DARK:  The folks at Waterloo North Hydro don't know exactly what
went wrong yesterday afternoon when a relay failed and electrical power
to the campus and surrounding area was cut off for about 15 minutes.  Such
incidents should be fewer once a new hydro feeder line to campus is in
operation, likely in a couple of months, says electrical guru Horst
Beyerle in the plant operations department.

What definitely did not cause the power outage was a seminar about the
James Bay hydroelectric project, being delivered in Political Science
435 ("The Politics of Canadian Resource Development") by Sylvia 
Doulaverakis.  Just as she commented that there's no market for the
James Bay hydro power, out went all the lights!  Says a student who was
present:  "The room, being in Hagey Hall had no windows, so it went pitch 
black.  Debate is out as to whether or not she organized the blackout to 
get out of her seminar."  Or just as an audio-visual aid, maybe?


        Genevieve Bergeron
        Helene Colgan
        Nathalie Croteau
        Maryse Laganiere
        Barbara Daigneault
        Ann-Marie Edward
        Maud Haviernick
        Maryse Leclair
        Anne-Marie Lemay
        Sonia Pelletier
        Michele Richard
        Annie St-Arneault
        Annie Turcotte
        Barbara Maria Klueznick

Five years ago today, they were shot dead by a fanatic who invaded 
classrooms at the Ecole Polytechnique in Montreal.  Individual women and 
would-be engineers who died, they have become symbols . . . and they will be
remembered at memorial services across Canada today.  The UW service
will begin at 6 p.m. in Siegfried Hall of St. Jerome's College.

YOUNG FOLKS in and around the Modern Languages building today are from
13 local high schools; they're attending the annual two-day simulation of
a federal-provincial conference, sponsored by the political science
department and the board of education.

TERM LOAN books from UW's libraries are due next Wednesday, December 14,
and the library advises borrowers not to wait to the last minute if they
want to renew books for another term.

CONRAD GREBEL COLLEGE holds its end-of-term chapel service and banquet
this evening, with Lessons and Carols at 5:30, dinner at 6:30.

Chris Redmond
Information and Public Affairs, University of Waterloo
888-4567 ext. 3004      credmond@watserv1.uwaterloo.ca