Daily Bulletin, Monday, December 5, 1994

THIS FOGGY MONDAY is the last day of classes for the fall term, and
the first day of business for Graphics Express, the new graphic services
outlet in South Campus Hall.  Only the photocopiers (black-and-white and
colour) are expected to be in operation immediately, but manager Colette
Nevin is promising other things (including rent-by-the-hour computers)
before long.

MEETING TODAY:  The staff association holds its annual general meeting
at 3:30 today, in Davis Centre room 1302.  On the agenda: the association's
finances for the year, reports on what the various committees have been
up to, and introduction of the 1995 executive.  Of special interest should
be a report from Linda Norton, past president of the association and the
1994 chair of the university's staff relations committee.  After the 
meeting, there's a wine and cheese reception.

ALSO MEETING this afternoon is the environmental studies faculty council,
which will talk about a report from the faculty's long-range planning

A TELECONFERENCE is running from 2 to 4:30 this afternoon in Arts Lecture
room 116: the first of three sessions in "Applying the Principles of the
Learning Organization".  It stars Peter Senge, author of The Fifth
Discipline.  Today's session is "Aspiration"; "Conversation" follows on
March 9 and "Conceptualization" on May 11.  UW's participation is sponsored
by the staff training and development committee.  Information comes from
Marg Letter in human resources, phone ext. 6645.

BUDGET TALK is never really absent at this university.  Its next venue: a
meeting Wednesday afternoon, a joint gathering of the senate finance and
long-range planning committees.  The meeting starts at 1 p.m. in Needles
Hall room 3004.  On the agenda: the activity of the Commission on
Institutional Planning; the possible impact of what the federal government
is doing to social programs; the current year's budget; and the "budget

UTILITY SHUTDOWN:  Natural gas and emergency power will be shut off in
Village 1 from 8 to 11 a.m. tomorrow as a new gas line is installed to the
generator, the plant operations department advises.

Chris Redmond
Information and Public Affairs, University of Waterloo
888-4567 ext. 3004      credmond@watserv1.uwaterloo.ca