Daily Bulletin, Friday, December 2, 1994

THE FACULTY COUNCIL in applied health sciences meets this afternoon, and
on the agenda -- along with the usual business items -- is a showing of
the video "The Story of the Android", produced earlier this year as a tool
to encourage youngsters, girls in particular, to develop an interest in
science and technology.  The original idea came from the provost's
advisory council on academic human resources.  It was developed by a
committee headed by Bev Marshman, of the applied mathematics department,
and eventually the video was produced by a Toronto firm with some $200,000
in government funding.  (The video-and-book "Android" package lists at
$49.95 and is available through UW's bookstore.)

GRAPHICS EXPRESS in South Campus Hall will be open as of Monday morning,
says Linda Norton, director of graphic services.  Not all its services
will be available at first, but the photocopiers will definitely be in

THE POOL in the Physical Activities Complex should be reopened at 11:30
this morning, says Brian Cartlidge of the athletics department.  It's been
out of commission since the beginning of the week while a pump was
under repair.  The work is finished just in time: the Athena and Warrior
swim teams are hosting a tri-meet starting at 11 a.m. Saturday, against
McMaster and York.

ALSO IN SPORTS:  The hockey Warriors host Wilfrid Laurier University at
2 p.m. Sunday at the Columbia Icefield.  The basketball Warriors are off
to Erie to play Mercyhurst College on Saturday night; indoor track and
field athletes, both Athenas and Warriors, compete at Western on Saturday

SANTA CLAUS should be hitting campus twice this weekend.  He's expected to
touch down in Federation Hall late this evening (lucky patrons can get 
their pictures taken with him).  And he'll be around again Saturday afternoon,
when the theatre centre presents its annual Christmas pageant, this year
titled "The Cats Getting Ready for Christmas".  Admission to the family
show is free, but tickets are needed (get them from the Humanities box
office, 888-4908) and audience members are asked to bring along something
for the Waterloo Region Food Bank.

ALSO THIS WEEKEND:  A women's dance ("women only, please") runs from 8 p.m.
to 1 a.m. tonight at South Campus Hall, sponsored by the women's centre of
the Federation of Students.

The UW chamber choir performs Sunday at 8 p.m. at St. John's Lutheran
Church, 22 Willow Street.

SOLEMN MOMENTS:  "Fourteen Not Forgotten", a memorial for the 14 women
killed by a fanatic at Ecole Polytechnique in Montreal five years ago, will
be held in Siegfried Hall, St. Jerome's College, at 6 p.m. this Tuesday,
December 6.

A memorial service for Paul Niessen, the mechanical engineering professor
who died November 26, has been set for Thursday, December 15, at 3 p.m.
in Siegfried Hall.  The mech eng department has also announced creation of
the Paul Niessen Cominco Medal for Excellence in Materials Experimentation,
to be awarded annually to a graduate student.

Chris Redmond
Information and Public Affairs, University of Waterloo
888-4567 ext. 3004      credmond@watserv1.uwaterloo.ca