Daily Bulletin, Thursday, December 1, 1994

PLEASE REMEMBER, please remember, as we enter bleak December, if you are
a voting member of the faculty or staff, take note of this paragraph.
(And that's enough Poe-quality verse for today!)  The staff association
will hold its annual general meeting on Monday, December 5, at 3:30 p.m.
in Davis Centre room 1302.  The faculty association will do likewise on
Wednesday at 2:30 p.m. in DC room 1350.

WINTER SCHEDULES:  Undergraduate students who will be here in the winter
term should be picking up their class schedules and fee statements about
now.  There are some changes to the information that was in yesterday's
Gazette, though -- here's the latest:

     Arts, math, science, environmental studies, and applied health
     sciences students get their schedules at the registrar's office in
     Needles Hall.  (Exception: dance students need only visit their
     department office.)

     St. Jerome's and Renison College students get theirs at their college
     offices.  Optometry students have received their schedules in their

     Engineering students can get their schedules from various locations in
     the engineering buildings until December 21; after that, they'll be
     at the registrar's office.  First-year students go to CPH room 1320F.
     Fourth-year students: systems design, Davis Centre 2599C; electrical,
     DC room 2597B; mechanical, Engineering 2 room 2328; civil, E2 room 2333;
     chemical, E1 room 2509; geological, E2 room 2304.

Oh, and part-time students (as well as full-time students who are off
campus on work terms this fall) will be getting their schedules in the mail.

THE POOL in the Physical Activities Complex has been out of operation for
a couple of days, and will be closed at least until tomorrow morning,
says Brian Cartlidge of the athletics department.  The shutdown is the
result of a pump breakdown.

HAPPENING TODAY:  A get-together for creators of World Wide Web pages,
to talk about "tools" for creation of that form of computer file, will take
place at 3:30 today in Math and Computer room 2009.  Information: Carol
Vogt of computing services, cmvogt@dcs1.

The chess club, which had to cancel its speed-chess competition last week,
will try again today.  Kris Boehmer and Ron Stockfleth, both chemical
engineering students, meet in the exhibition at 6 p.m. in the Campus
Centre; all are welcome to watch, and to play a game afterwards.

"The Other", presented by the drama department with support from the
human rights office, student affairs and health services, gets a free
performance at 11:15 this morning in the Campus Centre great hall.
It's described as "an exploration of conflict and miscommunication
through the use of short vignettes using masks, dance, drama and music".
And the flyer says "Password: Liquid Cheese", but some form of
miscommunication may be going on. . . .

The Midnight Sun solar race team continues its promotion today: for $5
you can adopt a solar cell for the car that will take to the roads in next
summer's Sunrayce.  Find their table in the Davis Centre from 10 to 2.

The Heritage Resources Centre sponsors a workshop today, commemorating
the work of Bob Graham, recreation and leisure studies professor who
died not so long ago.  Title of the event: "Innovations and Challenges
in the Management of Visitor Opportunities in Parks and Protected
Areas".  Information: ext. 2072.

"The Polish Canadians" opens in the Modern Languages art gallery with a
reception at 4 p.m. today, and continues through January 6.

AND FINALLY:  On Thursday of last week, American Thanksgiving, I cutely
said something about people missing the Army-Navy football game.  E-mail
arrived yesterday from a former Waterloo resident now living in Philadelphia
and working for the government's Health and Human Services department.
He says he reads the Daily Bulletin regularly on the World Wide Web --
and notes that the Army-Navy game is no longer a Thanksgiving fixture;
it's to be played this Saturday.

Chris Redmond
Information and Public Affairs, University of Waterloo
888-4567 ext. 3004      credmond@watserv1.uwaterloo.ca