Here's the text of the Social Contract agreement between UW and the
staff association, signed Friday, July 23.



The University of Waterloo and the Staff Association of the University
of Waterloo have signed a local agreement under the provisions of the
Social Contract Act 1993. In reaching this agreement the Parties have
assumed that there will be a 20% reduction i n the Province of
Ontario's expenditure reduction target for the University of Waterloo
and that employees will be eligible to access the Job Security Fund as
described in the Social Contract Act.

The University of Waterloo Staff Association represents the regular
full and regular part- time, non-union, non-academic employees of the
University of Waterloo. This group has  approximately 1700 people, more
than half of the regular  employees at the Un iversity of Waterloo. The
Staff Association has been designated by the Minister as bargaining
agent for the purposes of the Social Contract Act.

In May 1992, a two-year salary agreement was reached which provided for
a 1.5% increase in job mid-points plus a merit program effective May
1,1993.  The agreement provided for re-examination if the financial
position of the University were to change subs tantially. In view of
the reduction in promised grant increases, the expenditure control
program, the Social Contract cuts, and tax measures in the Provincial
budget, the University's financial position has worsened significantly
and the scheduled May 1, 1993 increases are no longer affordable.  This
agreement is intended to deal with the overall budget difficulties
produced by the Social Contract.

The Staff Association and the University have as their highest priority
the retention of jobs for University of Waterloo employees. No
provisions of this agreement will require immediate layoffs.  However,
it is clear that  the effects of the Social Contr act as well as other
substantial reductions in the University's income will eventually
affect the numbers of employees which the University will be able to
retain.  By the end of the three years of wage freezes and unpaid
leaves of absence, the University 's salary budget may need to be
reduced substantially.

Consequently, although there is a provision for some extended job
security in the first year of this agreement, the University and the
Staff Association feel it is important  to understand that over the
next three years there may be layoffs of staff.  The
Staff Association and the University will, as always, work together to
ensure that the process is sensitively managed and that the rights of
staff are protected but the harsh reality of the Province's deficit
and the University's situation are such that further reduction of the
staff complement is unavoidable.  In this agreement are provisions
which will help to support those staff members if jobs are lost as a
result of restructuring and downsizing.


1.      Salaries for all staff members will be frozen from April 30,
1993 until April 30, 1996.  Increases in salary during this period will
only occur as a result of a promotion or reclassification to a higher
grade level. Existing arrangements whereby staff members within three
years of retirement can exchange one week of vacation for a 2% salary
increase will not be affected.

2.      Staff members whose salaries are above $30,000 annually, will
be required to take three unpaid days leave of absence in 1993-94 and
up to three unpaid days in each of 1994-95 and 1995-96.   Unpaid days
will not reduce anyone's annual salary below $30,0 00. Employer and
employee pension contributions and employee pension entitlements will
not be affected by these unpaid days.

	Reductions due to unpaid days will be deducted from paycheques
	at a uniform rate for the nine months left in the 1993-94
	fiscal year, and for the twelve months in the 1994-95 and
	1995-96 fiscal years.

3.      Annual salary is defined as all earnings excluding overtime but
including shift premiums, stipends, etc.

4.      In 1993-94, one of the  unpaid leaves of absence will be
designated as February 21 during study break.  Staff members whose
salaries are less than $30,000 will be required to use one vacation
day. In 1994-95 and 1995-96 other days may be designated.

5.      The remaining unpaid days will be scheduled by mutual agreement
between the staff member and the department head.

6.      No notice of redundancy will be given prior to  May 1, 1994.

7.      The Personnel Department will provide a comprehensive job
relocation training program for any staff member whose job is lost as a
result of downsizing.  This program is a five-day session with
videotapes, workbooks, discussion groups and interviewing a nd resume
writing workshops.

8.      The Staff Training and Development Fund will be increased by 10
% on August 1, 1993.  The increase will ensure that the development of
staff continues to have a high priority at the University and will
ensure that the Working and Frontline Leadership p rograms can continue
to operate. In addition, the Fund, which is administered by the Staff
Development and Training Committee, will provide  other programs which
will address the needs of staff in a changing and stressful work

9.  Staff members are encouraged to take additional unpaid leaves of
absence and department heads should grant these requests wherever

10. This agreement may be revisited  by mutual consent of the
University and the Staff Association.

By agreeing to this document, the Staff Association also accepts the
provisions of the University Subsector Social Contract which was
recently signed by the University of Waterloo, the other Ontario
Universities and the Provincial Government.

Specifics of the Subsector Social Contract

Openness and Accountability (Section V.A.)
	The Subsectoral Agreement encourages the sharing of information
	and participation by employees in the decision making processes
	of the University.

	University of Waterloo employees are represented on all
	committees which determine issues affecting them.  As well,
	they are members of the Board of Governors of the University.

	The University Stakeholder Group which has been meeting on a
	regular basis since the introduction of the Social Contract,
	will continue to meet  throughout the three years of the Social
	Contract  to share information and discuss areas of concern.

	Members of this Group will be the Presidents and one additional
	representative from  each of the Faculty Association, the Staff
	Association and CUPE Local 793; the Presidents of the
	Federation of Students and the Graduate Student Association;
	one represe ntative appointed by the Church College Heads; the
President of the University, the Vice-President Academic &  Provost,
and the Associate Provost, General Services.

Elimination of Waste and Inefficiency (Section V.B.)
	The Subsectoral Agreement encourages employees to recommend
	changes and to provide information which would result in the
	elimination of waste and inefficiency.

	The University Stakeholders Group will review all suggestions
	and information from employees concerning the elimination of
	perceived waste or inefficiency in University procedures,
	processes, work standards or business practices. Employees who
	offer thes e suggestions are protected by the Staff, Faculty
and Student Grievance and Ethics policies. Union members are protected
by Article 15, Grievance Procedure, of the Collective Agreement.

	As well, the University will participate in a review of the
	procurement of goods and services and contracting systems with
	other universities as well as within the University of
	Waterloo. The review will be discussed in the Stakeholders

Job Security (Section V.C.)
	The Sectoral Agreement requires Universities to offer their own
	qualified employees any vacant positions and to  provide for a
	sharing of human resources among the University Sector.

	University of Waterloo's Staff  Policy 18 requires that all
	staff positions which become vacant at the University of
	Waterloo must be filled by qualified internal applicants. Only
	in the event that no qualified internal applicants exist, can a
	hiring department recruit for a staff position from outside
        the University.

	The University will cooperate with other universities in
	redeployment protocols developed under the auspices of the Job
	Security Fund.