The Minister of Finance has designated a sectoral framework for the
University of Waterloo subsector under the Social Contract Act, 1993.
Under part VI Section 16(1) of the Act an employer may establish a plan
that applies to the employer's non-bargainin g unit employees.

Employees Covered by the Plan: This plan covers all University of
Waterloo employees not represented by CUPE local 793 or by the Faculty,
Staff, and Graduate Student Associations. In particular, this plan
covers the following non-regular employees of the University of

Temporary Appointment Staff -are staff members hired with definite
terminal dates, or to complete specific projects, assignments or tasks
on a full or part-time basis for periods exceeding three months but not
exceeding one year.

Casual Earnings Staff- are staff members employed for less than three
months or on an intermittent basis or who do not have regularly
scheduled hours of work.

Non-Regular Faculty Appointments- Visiting, Adjunct, Special (e.g.
Visiting Critic, Clinical Associate, Writer in Residence, Resource
Person), Sessionals, Part-time appointments.

Quasi-Faculty Appointments- Postdoctoral Fellows, Research Associates

Specifics of the Plan 
1.      Salaries for all employees in the above categories will be 
frozen from April 30, 1993 until April 30, 1996.

2.      Employees whose salaries are above $30,000 annually, will be
required to take three unpaid days leave of absence in 1993-94 and up
to three unpaid days in each of 1994-95 and 1995-96.   Unpaid days will
not reduce anyone's annual salary below $30,000.

	Reductions due to unpaid days will be deducted from paycheques
	at a uniform rate for the nine months left in the 1993-94
	fiscal year, and for the twelve months in the 1994-95 and
	1995-96 fiscal years.

	Note: Most of the employees in these categories earn less than
	$30,000 per annum from employment at the University of
	Waterloo. .

3.      Annual salary is defined as all earnings excluding overtime but
including shift premiums, stipends, etc.

4.      In 1993-94, one of the  unpaid leaves of absence will be
designated as February 21 during study break.  Employees whose salaries
are less than $30,000 will be required to use one vacation day. In
1994-95 and 1995-96 other days may be designated.

5.      The remaining unpaid days will be scheduled by mutual agreement
between the staff member and the department head.

6.      This plan applies to all employees as defined above regardless
of funding source.

7.      In as much as these employees are not regular employees of the
University, University policies and procedures for regular employees do
not apply. In particular there are no specific provisions concerning
job security,  redundancy notice or redeployment for these employees.

Plan Amendment 
Under Section 16 (2) (c) of the Act, the compensation measures contained 
in the Local Agreement with the University of Waterloo Staff Association are
being applied to non- bargaining unit employees.  Under  Section 18
(1), such employees may, within ten days of the Plan being posted,
request in writing that the employer amend it.  Such requests should be
sent to the Director Of Personnel.

Posted on July 30, 1993

James Downey, President 
On Behalf of the Board of Governors 
University of Waterloo