AND CUPE LOCAL 793

Under the provisions of the Social Contract Act, 1993, all employers in
the Public Sector of Ontario are required to reduce their expenditures
in accordance with targets established by the Minister of Finance.
Savings are to be accomplished primarily through adjustments in
compensation.  The Act strongly encourages employer and employee groups
to effect these savings by negotiating Local Agreements.  CUPE Local
793 represents approximately 360 employees in the Plant Operations and
Food Services Departments.

In reaching this agreement, the Parties have assumed that there will be
a 20% reduction in the Province of Ontario's expenditure reduction
target for the University of Waterloo and that employees will be
eligible to access the Job Security Fund as described in the Social
Contract Act.


1.Wages for all unionized employees of CUPE Local 793 will
  be frozen from May 1, 1993 until April 30, 1996.  Wage increases will
  only occur as a result of a promotion to a position with a higher
  wage rate.

2.Union members whose salaries are above $30,000 annually,
  will be required to take three unpaid days leave of absence in each
  of the three years of the contract.  [Letter of clarification: "three 
  unpaid days leave of absence in 1993-94 and up to three unpaid days in 
  each of 1994-95 and 1995-96".] Unpaid days will not reduce
  anyone's annual salary below $30,000. Employer and employee pension
  contributions and employee pension entitlements will not be affected
  by these unpaid days.

3.Annual salary is defined as all earnings excluding
  overtime but including shift premium, group leader and shift engineer

4.Reductions due to unpaid days will be deducted from
  paycheques at a uniform rate for the nine months left in the 1993-94
  fiscal year and for the twelve months in the 1994-95 and 1995-96
  fiscal years. These deductions will be made so as to coincide with
  the bi-weekly pay cycles.  The first deduction will be August 8, 1993
  and will cover the period beginning August 1, 1993.

5.One of the unpaid days is designated as February 21,
  1994, when the University will be closed.  Union members not required
  to take unpaid days off will be required to use one vacation day for
  February 21, 1994.  Other days may be designated in 1993-1994.

6.The remaining unpaid days will be scheduled by mutual
  agreement between the union member and their department head.

7.The University of Waterloo will cooperate with other
  universities in redeployment protocols developed under the auspices
  of the Job Security Fund.

8.The current collective agreement between the University
  of Waterloo and CUPE Local 793 will remain in effect until April 30,

By agreeing to this document,CUPE Local 793 also accepts the
provisions of the University Subsector Social Contract which was
recently signed by the University of Waterloo, the other Ontario 
Universities and the Provincial Government.

Specifics of the Subsector Social Contract

  Openness and Accountability (Section V.A.) The Subsectoral Agreement
  encourages the sharing of information and participation by employees
  in the decision making processes of the University.

  University of Waterloo employees are represented on all committees
  which determine issues affecting them.  As well, they are members of
  the Board of Governors of the University.

  The University Stakeholder Group which has been meeting on a regular
  basis since the introduction of the Social Contract, will continue to
  meet  throughout the three years of the Social Contract  to share
  information and discuss areas of concern.

  Members of this Group will be the Presidents and one additional
  representative from  each of the Faculty Association, the Staff
  Association and CUPE Local 793; the Presidents of the Federation of
  Students and the Graduate Student Association; one representative
  appointed by the Church College Heads; the President of the
  University, the Vice-President Academic &  Provost, and the Associate
  Provost, General Services.

  Elimination of Waste and Inefficiency (Section V.B.) The Subsectoral
  Agreement encourages employees to recommend changes and to provide
  information which would result in the elimination of waste and

  The University Stakeholders Group will review all suggestions and
  information from employees concerning the elimination of perceived
  waste or inefficiency in University procedures, processes, work
  standards or business practices. Employees who offer these
  suggestions are protected by the Staff, Faculty and Student Grievance
  and Ethics policies. Union members are protected by Article 15,
  Grievance Procedure, of the Collective Agreement.

  As well, the University will participate in a review of the
  procurement of goods and services and contracting systems with other
  universities as well as within the University of Waterloo. The review
  will be discussed in the Stakeholders Group.

  Job Security (Section V.C.) The Sectoral Agreement requires
  Universities to offer their own qualified employees any vacant
  positions and to provide for a sharing of human resources among the
  University Sector.

  University of Waterloo's Staff  Policy 18 requires that all staff
  positions which become vacant at the University of Waterloo must be
  filled by qualified internal applicants. Only in the event that no
  qualified internal applicants exist, can a hiring department recruit
  for a staff position from outside the University.

  Article 7, Clause 7 of the CUPE Local 793, Collective Agreement
  addresses job promotion and transfer within the bargaining unit.

  The University will cooperate with other universities in redeployment
  protocols developed under the auspices of the Job Security Fund.