Tuesday, May 25, 1993

VP CHOICE IS NEAR:  A special, confidential meeting of UW's senate has
been announced for Monday, May 31, at 5:30 p.m. in Needles Hall 3001.
The agenda hasn't been made public, but it seems a reasonable guess that
the meeting will deal with a report from the Nominating Committee for
Vice-President (Academic) and Provost.  UW's board of governors is 
scheduled to meet the following day, June 1.  Appointment of a new
vice-president would require the approval of senate and board.

CONVOCATION THIS WEEK:  UW's 66th convocation takes place in five sessions
tomorrow through Saturday. On Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, parking will
be at a premium, especially on the north side of campus; visitors will be
directed to lots M, R, N and L and the Village lots.  Staff, students and
faculty who can leave their cars at home on those days will earn the gratitude
of parking supervisor Don Marr.

Tomorrow (Wednesday) the convocation session will include the installation
of James Downey as UW's fourth president.  To make room for VIP's attending
a banquet in South Campus Hall after the ceremony, parking lot H will be 
closed at 3 p.m. (you can leave after that hour, but you can't enter).  Lot
C on the other side of University Avenue will be open free of charge.

RETIREMENT EVENT:  Joan (O'Connell) Molloy, secretary to UW's presidents for
the past twenty years, is retiring.  A reception in her honour will be held
Wednesday, June 2, from 4 to 6:30 in Federation Hall.  RSVP's should go to
Joan Selwood at ext. 3187 by this Friday, May 28.

Chris Redmond
Information and Public Affairs
credmond@watserv1    ext. 3004