Friday, May 14, 1993

SOCIAL CONTRACT:  Negotiations in Toronto are still confused, and a
clear decision on what the "social contract" will mean for public sector
employees still seems far off.  The "Broader Public Sector Coalition",
representing employee groups, will meet again on Sunday.  That group
includes the Confederation of Ontario University Staff Associations (with
Linda Norton and Anne Harris of UW among its delegates) and the Ontario
Confederation of University Faculty Associations (with Jim Brox of UW
among the delegates).
Many of the same people will be on hand Monday when the "sectoral table"
for colleges and universities re-convenes.  That's a three-way discussion
among government, employee groups, and university and college managements.

PAY INCREASES:  Yesterday was payday for the unionized staff in food
services and plant operations, who became the first UW employees to feel
the effect of the decision three weeks ago not to process May 1 pay  
increases while the "social contract" remains unclear.  It had earlier
been suggested that the unionized staff would get the increases they had
negotiated for May 1, but in the end management decided to withhold them.
There hasn't been an official reaction from Canadian Union of Public
Employees local 793.

Faculty and monthly-paid staff will notice a similar absence of a pay raise
when payday comes on May 28.  Management and employee leaders are both
stressing that salaries haven't been "frozen", and the calculations of May
1 increases haven't been tossed in the trash can; the increases just aren't
being "processed" yet.  If, eventually, the social contract allows the
increases to go ahead, they'll be paid retroactively.

DEADLINE FOR COMMENTS:  Today at 4 p.m. is the deadline for comments on the
candidates for vice-president (academic) and provost.  Comments should be
sent to university secretary Lois Claxton in Needles Hall.

MEMORIAL SERVICE:  A memorial service for Sally Weaver, UW anthropology
professor who died May 5, will be held Thursday, May 20, at 3 p.m. in room
105 of the Arts Lecture Hall.

Chris Redmond
Information and Public Affairs
credmond@watserv1    ext. 3004