Thursday, May 13, 1993

NOT ON VIDEOTAPE:  A number of people have asked whether Jim Downey's
lecture on Tuesday is available on tape.  I am sorry to say it was neither
audio- nor video-taped.  The text does exist, however, and will be 
published in the Gazette next week, after which it will be made
available through UWinfo.

VICE-PRESIDENTIAL FORUM:  The last of the three candidates for vice-president
(academic) and provost, Garry Rempel of chemical engineering, met an audience
yesterday afternoon and answered questions similar to those faced earlier by
Jim Kalbfleisch and Phyllis Forsyth.  In his talk before the questions, he
emphasized his commitment to teaching and research, his experience in research
administration and the politics of research financing, and his knowledge of
the business world and university-industry links.

The nominating committee for VP (academic) and provost has invited comments
on the candidates; comments should be sent to Lois Claxton in the university
secretariat, Needles Hall, with a deadline of 4 p.m. Friday (tomorrow).

ANNUAL RETREAT:  If you can't find the dean today it's because he or she is
attending the university's annual "executive retreat" off campus.  The event
is an opportunity for brainstorming and long-range planning by members of 
executive council.

THIS BULLETIN:  Comments on the style, content and existence of this Daily
Bulletin are welcome, and can be directed to credmond@watserv1.  My thanks
to those who have commented already.

Chris Redmond
Information and Public Affairs
credmond@watserv1   ext. 3004