Wednesday, June 23, 1993

CONSUMER WARNING:  UW's news bureau yesterday published the following
	     The University of Waterloo today issued a community advisory
	to be on the alert for people selling consumer items claiming the
	proceeds go to the university, or to students at the university.
	     The university has become aware of instances recently where
	twomen have gone door-to-door in some Kitchener-Waterloo
	neighborhoods selling garbage bags and claiming the proceeds would
	go to the university.
	     The public should be aware that this is not an authorized
	university activity.
	     The university does not endorse such community sales
	activities except for legitimate charitable programs. In such
	instances, the representative must be able to produce proper
	identification proving the activity is endorsed by the university,
	or a legitimate body of the university, such as the Federation of
	Students, a faculty student society or other sanctioned group.
	     Please report any instances of people purporting to be from
	the university and selling items door-to-door to either the UW
	police at 888-4911, or UW community relations, 885-1211, ext.
SOCIAL CONTRACT:  Government negotiators and university leaders met in 
Toronto yesterday with some members of the Public Sector Coalition,
representing employee groups in the universities.  Not present were the
Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Associations and the Canadian
Union of Public Employees.  Delegations traded barbed remarks and suggestions
about the creation of a "sectoral framework" agreement for payroll-cutting.
Another meeting is scheduled for tomorrow.

STILL WORKING:  A dozen or so UW staff members are away from their desks
this morning for a session of the "Working" program, which provides general
training in job skills and attitudes.  The current session began Monday
and runs for five mornings over a two-week period.  Another session starts
July 5 and the next in late summer.  For the fall and winter there will be
at least 14 sessions of Working, says Katrina Maugham of the personnel
department.  She has a waiting list of some 180 interested people, but will
be glad to hear from more people who want to take part in Working when the
schedule permits.

VIDEOS AVAILABLE:  After inquiries about the film "Manufacturing Consent:
Noam Chomsky and the Media", shown at UW again last Monday, Mark Ritchie of
the audio-visual centre's film library had this to say:

	The University of Waterloo's Media Library in Engineering II, Room 1309
	has a copy of Manufacturing Consent.  It may be viewed in the study
	carrells in the Media Library during regular office hours, 08:30-12:00,
	13:00-16:30, Monday to Friday.
	The Media Library has about 2000 other programs on videotape that can be
	viewed as well.  To find out what is available the Media Library
	catalogue, WatMedia, is available through UWInfo in the Audio Visual
	Centre directory under either of the Departments or Facilities menu 

Chris Redmond
Information and Public Affairs
credmond@watserv1    ext. 3004