Tuesday, June 22, 1993

SOCIAL CONTRACT:  "Sectoral" talks for universities, in the continuing
effort to reach a "social contract" and cut the public payroll, have 
been scheduled for today in Toronto. UW associate provost Jim Kalbfleisch 
is there as one of the university representatives meeting with the 
government.  That makes two of the three parties to the talks, but it's
not clear whether the third party, representatives of unions and other
employee groups, will show up.  If they don't, it appears that under
the Social Contract Act (still making its way through the legislature)
a valid "framework agreement" could be signed by just the two parties who
do come to the talks.

Jim Brox, president of UW's faculty association, said this morning that
he understands the Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Associations
will boycott the talks for today, at least.  Later OCUFA will be presenting
a proposal that the university "sector" be split up, with each university
becoming a "sector" on its own and all expenditure-cutting plans being
written locally.  That plan may also sound good to the Council of Ontario
Universities, which represents university administrations.

Brox noted that local talks at Waterloo haven't started yet, beyond a
preliminary discussion meeting last week, because the government has still
not made clear exactly how much money each university is supposed to cut
from its payroll.  Employers in some other sectors, including municipal
governments, got their targets last weekend.

BARBECUE DAY:  It looks like a pleasant day for two outdoor parties that
are scheduled for later today.

From 4:30 to 6:30, outside South Campus Hall, the faculty of science holds
a barbecue in honour of three associate deans who are ending their terms:
Tony Cullen (optometry), Bryce Kendrick (graduate studies), and Colin
Mayfield (computing).  Tickets are $6 from the dean of science office.

Starting at 5:30, the library staff picnic takes place in Waterloo Park,
at the west side picnic shelter.  

Chris Redmond
Information and Public Affairs
credmond@watserv1    ext. 3004