Monday, June 21, 1993

FINAL EXAM SCHEDULE:  The schedule for spring term exams at the end of
July will be posted on campus by Wednesday, the registrar's office said
this morning.

FILM ON CHOMSKY:  The much-acclaimed film "Manufacturing Consent: Noam
Chomsky and the Media", about MIT linguist and social critic Noam Chomsky,
will be screened at 7:00 tonight in room 1302 of the Davis Centre.  The
showing is sponsored by the Waterloo Public Interest Research Group;
admission is free.

UNNY CONFERENCE:  Beginning today and being held in the Arts Lecture Hall
is an international conference on "Stochastic and Statistical Methods
in Hydrology and Environmental Engineering", being held in memory of the
late Dr. T. E. Unny of UW's systems design engineering department.  Organizer
is Dr. Keith Hipel of systems design.  The conference runs through Wednesday.

Chris Redmond
Information and Public Affairs
credmond@watserv1    ext. 3004