Thursday, June 17, 1993

PRESIDENT'S LETTER:  The letter from UW president James Downey to the
university community, dealing with "social contract" issues, is to be
distributed tomorrow morning, not today, the president's office says.

HAGEY MEMORIAL:  At a private ceremony and reception yesterday, a memorial 
to UW's founding president was unveiled in the lobby of the Hagey Hall of
the Humanities.  Display windows show the diplomas, medals (including the
Order of Canada) and other souvenirs collected by Dr. J. Gerald Hagey,
who was president of Waterloo College from 1953 and then of UW from its
inception until 1969.

ARTS STAFF CELEBRATE:  Staff members from the faculty of arts have a
pleasant sunny day today for their annual early-summer barbecue.  It takes
place from noon to 2:00 at the Laurel Creek fireplace.

GRAD HOUSE EVENTS:  Tonight, it's "Western Movie Night" at the Graduate
House.  Saturday night, the attraction is beer tasting -- tickets are $8
in advance.  Home brewers are invited to bring along a litre of their own
stuff for sampling.

Chris Redmond
Information and Public Affairs
credmond@watserv1    ext. 3004