Wednesday, June 16, 1993

MESSAGE FROM PRESIDENT:  UW president James Downey says he will be
sending a letter to the university community later today or tomorrow to
bring people up to date on the "social contract" legislation and say
something about how UW will handle the matter.

The executive council -- deans and other top officials -- met this
morning, as it does most Wednesdays. While the meeting was (as usual)
a closed one, it seems clear that the social contract budget-cutting was
a major item on the agenda.  The latest estimate is that UW needs to
cut about $8 million a year from the faculty and staff payroll. The
Social Contract Act, currently before the legislature, sets a deadline
of August 1 for creation of a "plan" within each institution, preferably 
through agreement between employer and employee groups.

NO GAZETTE:  Please note that there is no Gazette issue today.  The
Gazette will return next Wednesday, June 23. Future issues will be
published June 30, July 14 and August 18.

ALZHEIMER RESEARCH:  The UW news bureau has invited reporters to a
media briefing tomorrow (Thursday) about "the planned Alzheimer's
Research and Education Project" at UW.  The project is sponsored by the 
faculty of applied health sciences and the Alzheimer Association of Ontario.
Steering committee members include Mike Sharratt, director of UW's Centre 
for Applied Health Research.

Chris Redmond
Information and Public Affairs
credmond@watserv1    ext. 3004