Monday, June 14, 1993

COMPOSTING DISPLAY:  A team of students from environment and resource
studies will be demonstrating composting techniques in the courtyard
of the Environmental Studies building starting at 10:30 today.

SENATE KILLS BILL:  The Senate of Canada last week defeated (39-39, which
means rejection) Bill C-93, which would have merged the Canada Council
and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council as part of the
federal government's streamlining plan.  The merger was strongly opposed
by leaders of both the arts community and the academic world, who said
it would produce no savings and confuse two very different kinds of need
inside one hybrid agency.

DISTANT READERS:  In response to Friday's request, about 20 people who
read this Bulletin from outside UW have so far sent me e-mail.  They range
from people in spinoff firms on the edge of campus to alumni across Canada.
The first response to arrive, 40 minutes after the Bulletin was posted,
came from a faculty member on sabbatical in Berlin.

Chris Redmond
Information and Public Affairs
credmond@watserv1    ext. 3004