Tuesday, June 8, 1993

THE EYE OF the hurricane?  The calm before the storm?  Ontario premier
Bob Rae is expected to say something specific tomorrow about what he'll
do -- in all likelihood, what legislation he'll introduce -- to cut the
public payroll, now that the "social contract" negotiations have failed.
Stay tuned.

OTHERWISE, it's a slow and rainy day, a less than ideal one for the
barbecue that Habitat for Humanity is sponsoring at St. Paul's College
(4:30 p.m.).  Habitat is the non-profit group, with former U. S. president
Jimmy Carter as its most prominent member, that builds houses; it's planning
a blitz to create as many as 11 homes in Kitchener next month.  Peter
Elgersma, president of the local group, says more information will be
available at today's barbecue.

Chris Redmond
Information and Public Affairs
credmond@watserv1    ext. 3004