Wednesday, June 2, 1993

VICE-PRESIDENT:  Jim Kalbfleisch will be UW's vice-president
(academic) and provost effective July 1, 1993, for a five-year term.
The appointment was announced this morning, in a memo from the president;
it was approved by the senate Monday evening and the board of governors
last night, in confidential sessions.

Kalbfleisch has been associate provost (academic affairs) for the past
three years.  He was one of three short-listed candidates who faced the
university community in an open forum last month, and the president's
memo today says that the nominating committee's choice was made "after
lengthy deliberations, taking into account comments and feedback received".

The memo also says that "a review of the position of Vice-President,
Academic & Provost will be done in the context of a larger organizational
review, which I intend to initiate in the coming months as I become
better acquainted with how the institution functions. Though I do not
wish to speculate on what form a revised structure might take, I feel it 
is likely that the duties and title of the position of Vice-President,
Academic & Provost, as currently defined, will change upon completion
of this review."

DEAN OF RESEARCH:  Also announced this morning is the reappointment of
Arthur Carty as dean of research.  He will serve another three years
beginning July 1, 1994.  Carty has been dean of research since 1989.

FED AND GSA FEES:  The board of governors meeting yesterday gave approval
to changes in the fees students pay to the Graduate Student Association and
Federation of Students.  The GSA fee becomes $16.80 per term, plus $1
to support the Ombudsperson; it was previously $17 including both items.
The Federation fee is actually going down (contrary to what yesterday's
Daily Bulletin suggested), because a 45-cent cost-of-living increase is
more than offset by the elimination of the $2 fee that went to the Canadian
Federation of Students until UW undergraduates voted to leave CFS.  The
Fed fee becomes $23.10 per term, down from $24.65.  Both changes are
effective September 1.

YESTERDAY'S PICNIC:  Estimates of the attendance at the Community Campaign
picnic in Federation Hall range from 500 to 1,000.  More than $1,000 was
raised in "loonie" donations, says Pat Cunningham of the development
office.  The money will be divided among four scholarship and bursary
funds.  Yes, that was UW's president, Jim Downey, jiving out on the dance
floor with Judy McCrae of the athletics department.

Chris Redmond
Information and Public Affairs
credmond@watserv1    ext. 3004