The Daily Bulletin

This is the first Daily Bulletin since its usual creator, Chris Redmond,
left for two weeks of holidays.  A number people on campus have asked that
the bulletin be continued in his absence so the Information & Public
Affairs office will attempt to do so until he returns.  ---  Martin Van
Nierop, Director, I&PA


Social Contract talks have continued as the university tries to reach
agreements with its employee groups before the Aug. 1 government deadline.
The staff and faculty associations both met last week with the university
administration. No deals have been reached yet with those two employee
groups but some progress has been made, according to Dr. Jim Kalbfleisch,
vice-president, academic and provost.
However, the board's pension and benefits committee met Thursday and an
agreement was reached which will see some savings for both the employees
and the university.

The pension and benefits committee carefully reviewed the financial state
of the plan and concluded it is in "excellent health," Dr. Kalbfliesch said
Friday. As a result it will be possible to provide some relief over the
next three years. Employee contributions will decrease by 10 per cent for
the next three years, and the university will match the employee
"These changes will in no way affect the pensions of current or future
retirees. As a result of these actions, employees will realize savings
through lowered pension contributions and in a smaller number of unpaid
days off than would otherwise be necessary," he said.
How this will work regarding any effects on employees making under the
government's $30,000 cut-off is still being discussed.
The university is preparing a detailed bulletin describing the changes for
distribution to all faculty and staff as soon as possible this week.


Also re: Social Contract --

   UW's CUPE employees have had their 1% increase processed because the
collective agreement, signed before the government's June 14 exemption
deadline, makes it fully binding on the university. If the universaity had
not lived up to the contract, a filed grievance would have ended up in
arbitration by this Wednesday.  As a result six positions from the CUPE
ranks (in plant operations and food services) will be lost to compensate
for the 1% increase. Again, it's expected that the compensation will be in
positions, not layoffs.


  Campus Police have issued an alert to the university
regarding a series of incidents involving a man on a 10speed bike grabbing
or touching female students last Wednesday night, between 11 and 11:30 p.m.
on the pathways near Math and Computer, Chemistry, Arts Lecture and Hagey
Hall.  The individual rode up behind the students and touched them on the
buttocks and/or breasts. Three people reported such assaults, and since the
initial police report another two have come forward to report similar
incidents at the same time on Wednesday.
The man is described as white male, about 25, of thin medium build and long
thin face, medium brown hair cut short, possibly wearing glasses. The bike
is described as an older model, inexpensive 10-speed, light in color.
Police are currently showing some mug shots to the victims, mostly to
eliminate possible suspects.
