Wednesday, July 7, 1993

THE SOCIAL CONTRACT:  The campus should know more within a few hours
about how the provincial government's Social Contract will likely affect
the people who work at UW.  With Bill 48 expected to pass through the
legislature today, UW officials have a clearer idea of just how much
money has to be cut from the university's payroll for 1993-94 and the
two following years, and what rules govern the cut.

Executive Council (the deans and top administrators) is meeting this
morning to hear the "worst case" plan as set out by the president and
provost.  The same information will be presented to a meeting of 
department heads (or their substitutes) at 10:45 in Needles Hall 3001.
The staff association has scheduled an "information session" for staff 
members shortly after that: 12 noon, Arts Lecture Hall 113.

The "worst case" plan is a way of cutting the maximum that UW may need
to remove from its budget. But the plan won't necessarily be carried
out.  First of all, if the universities reach a province-wide "framework 
agreement", which hasn't happened yet but seems likely, then the 
government will reduce the amount that has to be cut.  Second, management 
and employee groups have until August 1 to reach an agreement on 
payroll-cutting, and it's possible that they could come up with 
something different from the plan that's now being worked out -- a 
different way of saving the same amount of money.

BARBECUE TOMORROW:  The International Graduate Student Committee has
announced a barbecue and sports day ("Free Food!") for tomorrow at
Columbia Lake -- sports from 2 to 4, barbecue from 4 to 7.  All graduate
students are welcome; international grad students and families eat free.
Information: pyabbott@neumann.

NO GAZETTE:  Please note that there is no issue of the Gazette today.
The Gazette will appear next Wednesday, July 14.

Chris Redmond
Information and Public Affairs
credmond@watserv1    ext. 3004