Tuesday, July 6, 1993

"OFFBASE":  That's the title of a play developed by drama students
at UW earlier this year with the help of an Ontario government grant 
to support education about "date/acquaintance sexual assault".  The
resulting show will be presented ten times at UW over the next two
weeks.  The first few performances:   Village 2 great hall, Saturday
at 4:30.  Arts Lecture 113, Monday at 11:30.  Environmental Studies
courtyard, Tuesday at 12:30.  Village 1 cafeteria, Tuesday at 5:30.
Siegfried Hall of St. Jerome's College, Tuesday at 7:00.  Campus
Centre great hall, Wednesday (July 14) at 12:15.

WORLD UNIVERSITY GAMES:  The torch, carried from Lake Placid via last
night's heartbreaking Blue Jays game in Toronto, should reach Buffalo
this evening, and the World University Games begin Thursday.  Among the
290 Canadian athletes heading for the Games are three who are familiar to
UW sports fans: Sean Van Koughnett of the basketball Warriors, volleyballer
Steve Smith, and rower Laurie Featherstone.  Mark Burgess, who does his
judo at a local club because UW lacks a judo team, had expected to be
going to Buffalo as well, but a spokesman for the Canadian Intercollegiate
Athletic Union said from Buffalo this morning that judo isn't a part of
the Games.

Chris Redmond
Information and Public Affairs
credmond@watserv1    ext. 3004