Monday, August 30, 1993

FACULTY SALARIES:  A memo from UW president James Downey went out to
all faculty members today, reminding them that

  Under the recent three-year agreement with the Faculty Association,
  the 1993 selective salary increases for continuing regular faculty
  members are being implemented on September 1 rather than on May 1.
  Faculty members who were eligible for selective increases on May 1,
  1993, and who are still eligible on September 1, 1993, will be
  included in the selective increase program.

  There will be no scale increase in 1993-94.  The minimum salaries
  for the professional ranks will remain at the 1992-93 levels:

  Assistant Professor    $38,932
  Associate Professor     50,612
  Professor               66,184

  The professional allowance for the fiscal year commencing May 1,
  1993, will be $730.

  Under the agreement, there will be five unpaid days for regular faculty
  members in 1993-94.  These unpaid days translate into a 2.874% salary
  reduction over the remaining eight months (September to April) of
  1993-94.  No one's annual earnings from UW will be reduced below
  $30,000 by this salary reduction.

PENSION MEETING:  The pensions and benefits committee meeting, to talk
further about a three-year reduction in the premiums paid into the pension
fund by UW and by individual faculty and staff members, has been set
for Friday, September 10, from 9 a.m. to noon in Needles Hall 3004.

Chris Redmond
Information and Public Affairs
credmond@watserv1    ext. 3004