Friday, August 27, 1993

CORPORATE CHALLENGE:  Yesterday's Daily Bulletin mentioned the "Corporate
Challenge", a competition among teams from employers around Kitchener-
Waterloo, noting that members for UW's team are still wanted.  The event
was said to be happening Sunday, September 13.  There is no such day; the
Challenge takes place Sunday, September 12, of course.

SUMMER WEEKEND:  Most offices of the Ontario government are closed today,
as part of the civil service contribution to the Social Contract.  Not
much is happening anywhere else, either.  UW's department of computing
services has announced that the Input-Output room will be closed on Sunday
(it's open Saturday as usual).  Might as well stroll downtown and watch
the Buskers perform.  Since it's payday, might as well throw a dollar or
two into a deserving performer's hat.

PLEASE NOTE that Monday's Daily Bulletin won't appear until late in the day.
The response I've been receiving this week suggests that readership is
limited these days, anyway. I'll wait for the deluge after Labour Day!

Chris Redmond
Information and Public Affairs
credmond@watserv1    ext. 3004