Thursday, August 26, 1993

TENNIS EVENT SET:  Organizers have announced the date for the "first
annual" Downey TennisFest, an event at the Waterloo Tennis Club for
faculty, staff and retirees.  It will run from noon to 7 p.m. on
Sunday, October 3, with dinner to follow.  Participants sign up as
individuals and will play round-robin doubles.  Fee for the day:
tennis $15, dinner $20, both $30.  Sign-up deadline is September 24,
with registrations going to Gary Buckley in the registrar's office.

DIRECTOR LEAVES:  A memo from the vice-president (university relations)
announces that Don Livingston, UW's director of development, is leaving
Waterloo this fall -- exact date yet to be announced.  He will go
to Toronto to head the fund-raising program at York University.

CORPORATE CHALLENGE:  A couple of team members and a couple of non-
competing volunteers are still needed for UW's entry in the annual
Corporate Challenge, says Marlene Miles of the community relations 
office.  The Challenge runs Sunday, September 13, in Waterloo Park.
There won't be a "water event" this year, since the Lions Pool in the
park has been closed.  Other than that, participants can expect the usual
semi-athletic, semi-comic competitions against teams from a few dozen
other Kitchener-Waterloo employers.  Interested staff or faculty can
call Miles at ext. 3276 to get talked into participating.

Chris Redmond
Information and Public Affairs
credmond@watserv1    ext. 3004