Monday, August 23, 1993

MY THANKS to colleagues in Information and Public Affairs -- Jim Fox,
Martin Van Nierop and John Morris -- who produced Bulletins several
times during my recent vacation.  Thanks also to the people who provided
technical support in getting the Bulletins posted.  I have no more
long periods of vacation planned, so for the foreseeable future the
Daily Bulletin will be in fact daily, and in the familiar style, which 
has been likened to the voice of George St.-John Quimby.

PROFESSOR MOURNED:  Robert Graham, a faculty member in recreation and
leisure studies, died Saturday of cancer; he was 53.  He had been on
the faculty at UW since 1968 (originally in kinesiology) and for a time
served as coach of the swimming and diving teams.  A memorial service 
is to be held Wednesday, August 25, at 7:30 p.m., St. Columba's Anglican
Church, 250 Lincoln Road.

WHAT GOOD NEWS?  In the Gazette issue of September 1, I am thinking of
presenting a "good news" feature -- a collection of things happening in
UW departments that are cause for pleasure, pride and confidence in spite
of the bad news with which we are all too familiar.  I would be glad to
hear from readers telling briefly what good things are happening in their
environs.  Please respond by e-mail, and no later than this Wednesday.

Chris Redmond
Information and Public Affairs
credmond@watserv1    ext. 3004