Daily Bulletin, Friday, Aug. 20, 1993

No amendments to plan:  There will be no amendments to the
"social contract" plan for UW's non-bargaining unit employees,
says Jim Kalbfleisch, vice-president academic and provost.
In a memorandum dated August 18, he reported there were three
complaints from individual employees whose positions were funded
by research or contract funds. "These complaints were reviewed by
senior management of the university," he said.
"After consideration and consultation with provincial government
officials, the University of Waterloo believes that the plan as
originally posted is equitable and meets the criteria of the
Social Contract Act. Therefore the plan will not be amended."

The memo also included the following:

              GUIDELINES FOR UNPAID DAYS:  1993-94
                         August 18, 1993

1. The maximum number of unpaid days in 1993-94 is 5 for regular
   faculty members and 3 for other employees.  The required
   number of unpaid days will be converted into a percentage
   salary reduction to be applied uniformly over the 8 months
   from September 1993 to April 1994.  The salary reduction will
   be applied regardless of when or whether the unpaid days are
   taken as time off.

2. Salary reductions will be applied as indicated in the table
   below, whenever UW monthly earnings are $2515 or more,
   regardless of funding source.  There will be one unpaid day
   for those with monthly salaries between $2515 and $2530
   (salary reduction 0.575%); two unpaid days for those with
   salaries between $2530 and $2545 (salary reduction 1.149%);
   and so on, up to the maximums specified in (1) above.  There
   will be no fractional unpaid days.  The reductions will not
   reduce anyone's annual salary below $30,000.

3. Regular full-time and part-time staff, faculty, and union
   members are included, as are new employees and those who will
   be terminating or retiring during the year.  For regular part-
   time employees with variable time commitments through the
   year, and for staff who regularly experience summer layoffs,
   salary reductions will be based on expected average monthly

4. Unpaid days will be recorded and managed within the
   department.  If an employee is unable to take off the
   appropriate number of days, the days may be banked for use in
   future years.  However, it is advisable for departments to
   encourage use of unpaid days off during the current year.
   Unpaid days have no cash value, and they will be forfeited if
   they have not been used by the time an employee leaves the
   University of Waterloo.

5. February 21, 1994, is designated as an unpaid day for all
   employees, and employees who are not required to take unpaid
   days must use a vacation day.   Other unpaid days are to be
   scheduled jointly by the employee and department head.
   Although the University will close on February 21, 1994, this
   is not a "paid holiday".   Therefore, employees whose work
   demands or schedules require them to work on that day will
   not be paid on an overtime basis.  Another unpaid day will be
   scheduled with the manager.

6. One day's unpaid leave of absence is earned for each 0.383%
   of annual salary deducted.  For regular staff who terminate
   or retire during the year, the number of days taken off will
   be compared with the number earned through salary reduction.
   If extra days off have been taken, the number of vacation
   days owing under Policy 5 may be reduced.

7. Salary reductions will also apply to temporary employees with
   monthly earnings of $2515 or more.  At termination, such
   employees may be eligible for a refund of some or all of the
   amounts deducted, based on their total UW earnings during the
   prior 12 months (including vacation pay, if applicable) and
   on any days off actually taken.

8. Salary reductions will be applied to the following:
       base earnings         retroactive increases
       stipends              shift premiums
       weekend premiums      group leader premiums
       shift leader premiums vacation pay
       sabbatical salaries   reduced workload (actual salary)
       UW portion of maternity top-up
       UW portion of Workers' Compensation / UW salaries

9.                            The following are excluded from
   salary reductions:
       overtime              consulting
       correspondence        staff teaching
       sessionals            royalties
       honorariums           scholarships & bursaries
       staff temporary promotions
       casual payments for regular full-time and part-time staff

1993-94 Unpaid Days and Percentage Salary Reduction

                         Unpaid Days      Salary Reduction
Monthly Salary           Faculty   Others Faculty Others
Less than $2515          0      0         0       0
$2515 to $2529.99        1      1         0.575%  0.575%
$2530 to $2544.99        2      2         1.149%  1.149%
$2545 to $2559.99        3      3         1.724%  1.724%
$2560 to $2574.99        4      3         2.299%  1.724%
$2575 and over           5      3         2.874%  1.724%

Biweekly Salary          Unpaid Days      Salary Reduction
Less than $1156          0                0
$1156 to $1162.99        1                0.575%
$1163 to $1169.99        2                1.149%
$1170 and over           3                1.724%

1994-95 and 1995-96 Unpaid Days
The maximum number of unpaid days in each of 1994-95 and 1995-96
is 8 for regular faculty members and 3 for other employees.  The
required number of unpaid days will be converted into a
percentage salary reduction that will be applied uniformly over
the 12 months of the fiscal year (May to April).
     Regular faculty 8 unpaid days = 3.065% salary reduction;
     Other employees 3 unpaid days = 1.149% salary reduction.

Chris Redmond, regular editor of the Daily Bulletin, will resume
his posting of news and views next week.

Jim Fox, UW News Bureau
(519) 888-4444